ok so its time for an update !
lets see where do i begin?!*lights ciggerette and takes a sip of coffee*last night my friends band "TRENDKILL"played at the Seminole HardRock and they were awsome,they always look so hot in their trendkill shwag!i played a couple slot machines and won 25 bucks then spent it all on alcohol
i got pretty damn buzzed,my friend tim pissed me off cuz he was acting like an ass,im prolly never gonna talk to him again,but im not really sure why he pissed me off
like i said i was pretty buzzed!?i did find out some interesting stuff about my supposed best friend through the grape vine,so i was pissed about that and i through a fit!*yes i through a fit im a lil drunkin brat sometimes and i look fuckin cute when i do it too!*its always so nice to find out who your real friends are and it always turns out that its not many,and the person that you thought was closest to you is the one that is your worst enemy!!!like that good ol' sayin "keep your friends close and your enemys closer
but anyways itll al be alright i just cant stand fake people like i said in my profile!
on another note ive been thinking about stripping to make extra money at a fetish strip club,i dont think im gonna do it.
the idea of grinding on fat sweaty old hairy men kinda makes me wanna puke
!plus they would have to play the specific music that i pick out but they dont do that there,they select songs off of a computer so they dont play cd's which is lame!not to mention the extra junk in my trunk from the holiday treats
my birthday is coming up in 19 days!im not really looking forward to it cuz i dont have any plans and their is no special someone for me to spend it with
!last year i had a blast and i spent it with someone special but he is long gone!!!
wow this journal entry has just become a little depressing yeesh!but im hoping itll turn out nice!
oh yea then christmas is coming up too and i hope i get the one thing i asked for,a digital camera!!!oh the fun times i would have with one
ahhh just thinking of them now is making me all warm and fuzzy inside!
and a christmas present im getting for myself is a very large and very hot tattoo that i will be getting from nullinkpushr!"I cant wait to get branded by you sexy
!"i can hear that sweet sound now,the buzzing of a tattoo gun!it sends shivers down my spine and gives me butterflys in my stomach!even if im not getting a tattoo and im watching someone else get one i get that feeling!"shhh dont tell anybody but getting a tattoo is almost as good as sex
!"but anywho this is a long entry and i must be out!i love you all, specially my sexy S.G girls!
p.s. i got the sweetest testimonial by new friendnullkaoticdreams!its the sweetest thing anyone has ever writin about me!*blows kaotic a kiss and winks*
lets see where do i begin?!*lights ciggerette and takes a sip of coffee*last night my friends band "TRENDKILL"played at the Seminole HardRock and they were awsome,they always look so hot in their trendkill shwag!i played a couple slot machines and won 25 bucks then spent it all on alcohol

i got pretty damn buzzed,my friend tim pissed me off cuz he was acting like an ass,im prolly never gonna talk to him again,but im not really sure why he pissed me off

but anyways itll al be alright i just cant stand fake people like i said in my profile!
on another note ive been thinking about stripping to make extra money at a fetish strip club,i dont think im gonna do it.
the idea of grinding on fat sweaty old hairy men kinda makes me wanna puke

my birthday is coming up in 19 days!im not really looking forward to it cuz i dont have any plans and their is no special someone for me to spend it with

wow this journal entry has just become a little depressing yeesh!but im hoping itll turn out nice!
oh yea then christmas is coming up too and i hope i get the one thing i asked for,a digital camera!!!oh the fun times i would have with one

and a christmas present im getting for myself is a very large and very hot tattoo that i will be getting from nullinkpushr!"I cant wait to get branded by you sexy

p.s. i got the sweetest testimonial by new friendnullkaoticdreams!its the sweetest thing anyone has ever writin about me!*blows kaotic a kiss and winks*
Awww I'm sure you B Day will be a blast anyways.
I so need to get a tattoo.