MERRY CHRISTMASSSSSSSSS!! (this level of energy is not real, dont be fooled by exclamation marks!)
I actually hate christmas, it is a big shit. For the first time ever i woke up late today, about 11.35 to be exact and really couldnt be bothered going to open presents, Im not ungrateful by any means, I just dont like the fuss. I must be some kind of loner, but im way too laid back for this shit. I wud be much happier in some random far away place where christmas isnt recognised, rather than this over-rated, materialistic, greedy society that is here.
anyone for a bah-humbug?
I actually hate christmas, it is a big shit. For the first time ever i woke up late today, about 11.35 to be exact and really couldnt be bothered going to open presents, Im not ungrateful by any means, I just dont like the fuss. I must be some kind of loner, but im way too laid back for this shit. I wud be much happier in some random far away place where christmas isnt recognised, rather than this over-rated, materialistic, greedy society that is here.
anyone for a bah-humbug?