Hello. It has been a while since I last updated, and there is no way i could fit the last year into a box - although to summarize I have had many trips to London, a trip to Manchester for Pride (which honestly was the best weekend of my life so far, for so many different reasons)(and yes I live a v uneventful life), I...
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Bonjour! Ca Va? i am gooddd..i am stuffed but good. Spent the whole weekend chillin out with my girl, eating, alot and watching Wildboyz dvds and L word (season 4 isnt as good as the first 3
). We went to see Justin Timberlake movie, alpha sumthing last night and it was alright..wouldnt rush back to see it but it did us for 6.30 in...
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Haven't seen much of you about these parts recently. You been busy I see, Justin Timberlake did a movie? God I'm sooo out of the loop. Went to see TRANSFOMERS!!! ROBOTS IN DISGUISE!! Great movie, if a tad drawn out toward the end but SQUEEE!! Robots....I know I'm a nerd, I'm off to sit in the corner now.

Heh heh you still alive too then
I'm much more passive on SG nowadays, generally I just read the rants on the news stories and occaisionally get suckered into writing a rash opinion.
Fuck, I live in Norwich now, London no more!
How're you trouble?

Fuck, I live in Norwich now, London no more!
How're you trouble?
I just got home to a present of 20 'great ideas' books for my birthday from my big bro
I had a shit weekend, totally unneeded...got on the train home and got a mega migraine, got off the train and a guy spat at me (for reasons only belfast dickheads could explain). So me, feeling totally worthless, got home to my v.thoughtful present and cried...
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I had a shit weekend, totally unneeded...got on the train home and got a mega migraine, got off the train and a guy spat at me (for reasons only belfast dickheads could explain). So me, feeling totally worthless, got home to my v.thoughtful present and cried...
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Sorry to hear someone spit on you honey
U should have cut his nutsac off,....but sometimes just a good cry will do you good too!

U should have cut his nutsac off,....but sometimes just a good cry will do you good too!
I agree with Niessa, a nutsac removal would have sorted him out, but frankly he probably wasn't worth the attention. It's been a few months since your last post, so hopefully your next one will involve a story of the spitter getting a comeuppance, perhaps he wandered into the World Bukakke Championships just as it was getting into full swing and consequently ended up resembling a cross between Slimer and Casper the overfriendly ghost.
Hmm... I think I just grossed myself out....
Hmm... I think I just grossed myself out....

I just realised i seem to comment that im jealous alot! WTF is up with that?
anyway, to update, ppl are stupid.
Im sure you all know this but i just thought id throw my 2pence in. Hope y'all are having a nice Sunday
anyway, to update, ppl are stupid.
Im sure you all know this but i just thought id throw my 2pence in. Hope y'all are having a nice Sunday

^^ What he said... it seems the majority of people I work with are completely socially retarded.
Somewhere there's a village missing it's idiot....
Somewhere there's a village missing it's idiot....
ur very cute!

MERRY CHRISTMASSSSSSSSS!! (this level of energy is not real, dont be fooled by exclamation marks!)
I actually hate christmas, it is a big shit. For the first time ever i woke up late today, about 11.35 to be exact and really couldnt be bothered going to open presents, Im not ungrateful by any means, I just dont like the fuss. I must be some kind...
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I actually hate christmas, it is a big shit. For the first time ever i woke up late today, about 11.35 to be exact and really couldnt be bothered going to open presents, Im not ungrateful by any means, I just dont like the fuss. I must be some kind...
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So, im feeling quite shitty. Im dying with the cold that i woke up with on monday
my throat is now getting all tickly , im getting a stye in my eye and i spilt gravy all down my leg because i got too over agressive with stirring it.
it all goes downhill from here, christmas was never a lucky time for me. Im starting...
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it all goes downhill from here, christmas was never a lucky time for me. Im starting...
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Aww hun, hope your feeling better! Mmmm Gravy ...
Yeah Veda used to do a thing in Belfast, I think it was just after she won the AMI a few years back!
Is Ewan McGregor really short?
(Oh and thanks for the offer of help but I'm currently clap free
Yeah Veda used to do a thing in Belfast, I think it was just after she won the AMI a few years back!
Is Ewan McGregor really short?
(Oh and thanks for the offer of help but I'm currently clap free

Humm...to update, what exactly would you like to know..
I was in Liverpool/Leeds/Bradford at the weekend, went to see my sister at uni, then met my friend in Bradford., it was actually that multicultural i was quite shocked, taking I had been to England b4, this is unusual. Belfast must be the most non diverse place ever. Anyway, Went to a uni party thing on...
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I was in Liverpool/Leeds/Bradford at the weekend, went to see my sister at uni, then met my friend in Bradford., it was actually that multicultural i was quite shocked, taking I had been to England b4, this is unusual. Belfast must be the most non diverse place ever. Anyway, Went to a uni party thing on...
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I love the Corn Exchange building, looking up makes me dizzy... the shops are a bit of a led down, but I like the stoner shop and some of the clothes stores. Womens rugby does seem to have all the important stuff needed to give me the horn, i.e. women grappling, mud, uniforms, sweat and swearing....
...yeah, Corn Exchange became a bit mainstream over the last 10 years... I still prefer Blue Rinse and some of the retro shops nearby...
God, last time I attempted a full breakfast in Leeds was after an allnighter and I looked pretty green. I went to the greasiest of greasy spoons in the market and the guy was sarky as fuck, he was willing me to hurl and gave me a breakfast that could have fed 3 people. I managed 3 eggs and a pool of grease before having to step outside. Luckily my friend was with me so we smoked a joint and I went back in and finished the job, pride and breakfast intact
God, last time I attempted a full breakfast in Leeds was after an allnighter and I looked pretty green. I went to the greasiest of greasy spoons in the market and the guy was sarky as fuck, he was willing me to hurl and gave me a breakfast that could have fed 3 people. I managed 3 eggs and a pool of grease before having to step outside. Luckily my friend was with me so we smoked a joint and I went back in and finished the job, pride and breakfast intact

Hum...the internet is making me quite jealous..I decided to put my name in google, as we all do once in our lives, and it brought me into a whole new world, past and present. A picture came up based in 1918, of a group of, what looks like, people from a western and a small child trying to get in a door beside them, with...
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Awh! Have fun, see I knew you secretly liked pirates

were supposedly al headin out in dublin somewhere then back to peachass' for more drunken fun should be a laugh tis a pity u cant make it

Seriously contemplating, everything, in a very serious manner. I am..MissPeachy..Peach to my friends. I have a very short attention span if something is not interesting me wotsoever, I like to learn..but mostly about irrelevant things, things i can reiterate and make myself sound stupid for even knowing them. Im sitting online searching for sumthing, that of which i dont know. Im texting, typing, listening to...
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Lol I did exactly the same thing today, entered a whole load of competitions, mainly cos i was bored and had a whole heap of things i could have done that were probably more worthy. Ultimately though, all learning is just absurd, I've spent 3+ years of my life studying wasps. Interesting for me, but ultimately futile, when will I ever need to use this knowledge? The chance of that is probably lower than winning a lovely new laptop off Computer Buyer, so really I should have spent the time entering the contests
I keep meaning to ask; have you talked about kissy-kiss yet?

I keep meaning to ask; have you talked about kissy-kiss yet?
Grrr myspace wont let me enter its world.although im trying to get in by some back door trickery, through hotmail..mwahahah....its buggin the SH*T clean outa me..but alas, i have tea
so all is not sad in the world of the peach.
Also SG is not letting me into chat...yes, im that much of a bore, and msn is not as thrilling as it used to...
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Also SG is not letting me into chat...yes, im that much of a bore, and msn is not as thrilling as it used to...
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Aah, myspace is such a pain in the ass!!
But, thank you for the friend request purdy lady
But, thank you for the friend request purdy lady

I HATE myspace..
how you gal?
how you gal?
*insert the BIGGEST sigh here*
What the hell is going on, i really think this world, my world, is going sooo crazy and I am the only one that is staying still. I am totally lost for words, sometimes i really do believe I am the only one with any kind of sensibility.
And i always thought i was insane
What the hell is going on, i really think this world, my world, is going sooo crazy and I am the only one that is staying still. I am totally lost for words, sometimes i really do believe I am the only one with any kind of sensibility.
And i always thought i was insane

we must be two then....


Fantastic that you went to Pride, I have a few of my friends who live in Manchester and obviously go every year and they always look so wicked in their photos
Anyways, hope you're cool and MERRY CHRISTMAS whoop whoop