So I just sent off that set of my friend who wants to be pink. I hope it's accepted. Not having my hopes up though.
My schedual is really busy this weekend! I am going to an art show/jazz show thing sat night and shooting a set satin the afternoon. Sunday I am going to another art thingy, like a festival. Wed I am seing a show, a celtic band and then thursday I am going to see another celctic band play. I'm excited.
Well, I gotta run. Just thought I would update a bit. Take care happy sg people!
*edited because I had my days mixed up >.<
My schedual is really busy this weekend! I am going to an art show/jazz show thing sat night and shooting a set satin the afternoon. Sunday I am going to another art thingy, like a festival. Wed I am seing a show, a celtic band and then thursday I am going to see another celctic band play. I'm excited.

Well, I gotta run. Just thought I would update a bit. Take care happy sg people!
*edited because I had my days mixed up >.<
This is going to sound really bitchy, but I just got through deleting a few dozen people from my list, and I'm still trying to make more cuts. Your friend request reminded me I need to go change my preferences to auto-decline.
sounds like fun and hectic all at the same time. well, hope it's more fun than hectic!