Wow, that last journal entry had alot of comments! lol So sad to get rid of it. Moving on...I haven't update recently because I was gone. I went to my grand parents ranch for a family reunion! YAY! It was so fun! I am hella sore though because I went horse back riding like 6 times! I might go back up there this week to visit again. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to many people.
Oh well.
I am getting really sick and tired of some people on this website. Really, half of them are just here to say nasty mean things. BUT I am ingoring most of it because, welp, why bother? I won't get anywhere with it.
Moving kittens are now 5 weeks old and HUGE! They are starting to eat kitten food now and one of them has nearly mastered the litter box. The other two are still in training. But I am so proud of them!
I get to go job hunting this week! YAY! ....not
Hopefully I'll get something soon! I am desperate! >.< Well you dirty skanks, I gotta go. Time to clean house and be the domestic bitch.
lol Much love!
-Dana (VISIT MY SITE AND LEAVE COMMENTS!!! I'm updating!!!)

I am getting really sick and tired of some people on this website. Really, half of them are just here to say nasty mean things. BUT I am ingoring most of it because, welp, why bother? I won't get anywhere with it.
Moving kittens are now 5 weeks old and HUGE! They are starting to eat kitten food now and one of them has nearly mastered the litter box. The other two are still in training. But I am so proud of them!
I get to go job hunting this week! YAY! ....not

-Dana (VISIT MY SITE AND LEAVE COMMENTS!!! I'm updating!!!)
And hooray for horseback riding. We were at SoBeIt's dad's house last month with the kiddos and he has 3 horses and we all got to go HBR too - so fun!!
I agree... mean people are NOT worth the time... life is too short for that shit! In fact... read my journal and my quote from Dr. Seuss - because it sums up how I feel!
Happy Tuesday, sweetie pie!
Love and Winx from Jinxi
You are such a doll! Hope your Wednesday was wonderful!
Kisses and Winx - Jinxi