Time for an UBER BLOG, so massive im going to have to break this down into sections pre warning - there will be moments of ALLCAPSRAGE.
- Fambly-
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My brother is a massive cock.
A few weeks ago he broke every bone in his hand and separated his hand from his arm internally, well done you massive doucher. This was caused by crashing his motorbike into a car in Belgium so we didn't hear from him which sent my mother into massive panicking 'OH MY GOD MY SON IS DEAD' mode. I was all ok with it but the bloody twonk has just had his cast off and now he has fucked off to the Isle of Man on his Moto Guizzi in this fucking monsoon we seem to be having. PRICK.
Anyway now that rant is over I just came home from the lamest wedding I have EVER been to. You know I'm already not a huge fan of massive weddings and this one was no exception.

See here I am in wedding finery - squidged into a Karen Millen dress with some vintage Dior, fuck it all. You know what, I am not a classy bitch I'm from fucking Bridgend, I'm possibly the only young person left anyway but HOLY SHIT. There were people at this wedding dressed in LEGGINGS. Leggings... kitten heels and the worst faux pas of all? A girl in a flowing WHITE Grecian dress and WHITE angora cardi... what the fuck? After watching some woman fishing her knickers out of her crack I felt bad about the whole thing however...
The point came however when I was seated between my cousin and my uncle... one hurriedly ate a welsh cake WITH A SPOON while my uncle spoke of his favorite curry (Beef, Prawn and Egg.. YES AT THE SAME TIME). It was at this point I cried to my daddy in full diva strop style to take me home. IM SORRY IF I SOUND LIKE A SNOB.

. This wedding was in a famous spa hotel overlooking Cardiff bay... Look here it is on Lucy Owen's left shoulder things like this SHOULDN'T HAPPEN.
-Adventures in Artland-
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I have a friend in Florida who is entirely self taught and very talented as well as being the godess of self motivation - go see her work here :
Homicidal Manda anyway she would like to go into teaching and charging for online art classes so shes using me and a few others as guinea pigs. I signed up as soon as I heard as I really wanted to get back into drawing for a long time so here is a super amalgamation of my half assed scribbles. This is the good and the bad by the way, I think its good to admit the times I suck as much as when I do ok. Bad mobile phone photography and interesting white balance AHOY. If you guys want to, and REALLY want to see better images then tumblr / instagram / twitter me up.
-Other interesting happenings-
One image to lure you into this spoiler...

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Ha... couldn't resist could you, let me introduce you to 5 little darlings, they don't really have names, there's Large, Little and Patchy so far haha - all are Akita and siblings to my not so little darling.
My old work is not coping without me either, I finish this weekend and another worker has resigned while 2 managers have gone on holiday - both of these have organized the rota which has gaps such as bank holiday Monday

. Oh isn't karma a bitch aye.
So after all this I bid you farewell till next time!
Funny about your old job and I know what you mean about weddings...the fashion mistakes there sound horrendous.....leggings at a wedding?Yikes...If I can go to that one in November I do wonder what that will be like!
The last one I went to was a goth one which was actually quite cool...that one you attended sounded horrid..I'd want out of there too!