Hey guys, hope everyone is well. Recently life for me seems to be a little like groundhog day, I wake up in the previous days makeup wishing for it all to go away. Yesterday it was so hard for me to leave the house, I would have curled up all day and slept if I could. Again like before I don't feel a terrible pang of sadness just apathy and its the lack of emotion that really scares me. Instead of sleeping the whole day through I went out to see horrible bosses which was ok, mediocre I guess. Not unfunny but I didn't laugh till my chest burst or anything like that, it was followed with mojitos and singing britney spears at strangers on the drive home.
I apologies for the bright sunshine, it is killing me.

Bonus boobs, seriously this bra works miracles.

So today seems to be a repeat of yesterday already, going to fish a slinky dress out of my wardrobe and some sky scraping heels and head probably to the same bar for the same cocktails. Only because the drinks are too expensive for most student airheads to consider so I don't have to deal with them. That sounds snobbish but if anyone knows Swansea they would understand. I don't particularly fancy being in some club surrounded by girls with no clothes, its fucking cold out there how do they survive?
Oh and I joined twitter so if anyone would like to follow my rambles im on there as missusmoth as someone claimed missmoth, bastards.
I apologies for the bright sunshine, it is killing me.

Bonus boobs, seriously this bra works miracles.

So today seems to be a repeat of yesterday already, going to fish a slinky dress out of my wardrobe and some sky scraping heels and head probably to the same bar for the same cocktails. Only because the drinks are too expensive for most student airheads to consider so I don't have to deal with them. That sounds snobbish but if anyone knows Swansea they would understand. I don't particularly fancy being in some club surrounded by girls with no clothes, its fucking cold out there how do they survive?
Oh and I joined twitter so if anyone would like to follow my rambles im on there as missusmoth as someone claimed missmoth, bastards.
I know life can be like that sometimes, I struggled with it for a period last year, job problems, relationship problems, stuck in a loop and everything seems a waste of time. But really there is so much great stuff out there if you just stop long enough and breath in all thats good about the world. It can take a while (and I had professional help in the end) but its worth it. Stick with it Moth 

love the pictures and that bra looks cool! I understand what you mean about groundhog day...good luck...