Hmmm early morning blogging, I have so much on my mind and this is about the most private(ish) outlet that I have, at least less open than tumblr / facebook.
Theres a few things I'm not too happy about right now, last week I applied for an internship at a fashion magazine running their social media, and when they accepted they told me how there would be another admin as well as me to help out. Brilliant, someone to help and the work is spread out?
Well whatever because I think this girl actually hates me?! Its just very funny because shes come across as this highly strung, kittens got her claws out kinda girl? Now normally I embrace this, I'm pretty feisty myself however yesterday It all started.
I made an initial post on the magazines facebook, introducing myself and linking in this girl as someone I was excited to work with. However, dumb dumb here doesnt realise said girl lets call her A, A has 2 profiles, one for her modelling, one personal. I manage to link the personal, herp derp, so she deletes it and posts on my facebook wall 'sorry had to delete it dont link personal I dont want people finding out my real name' I promptly apologist, said that I thought I had linked her other profile, easy mistake right?
I get a semi bitchy reply 'you linked my personal profile'.
Now at that point the conversation could have gone 2 ways, I could have said, 'yes and ive apologized once already, easy mistake' probably getting more bitching
or my friends would have reacted as it was bitchy and they are defensive.
So I deleted everything, messaged to her inbox - like she should have done in the first place, apologized clearly again.
So yesterday I made a general valentines post, a few moments later she deleted it, and added her own? I don't even? I know it was her, and not the magazine owner, as the owner has been offline, and will be offline till today. While I'm not like OMG butthurt about the situation, I feel that she has no respect, professionally or otherwise with me. I also wonder if its like this now, how am I going to deal with her? At least its her acting unprofessionally and not me. Whether shes a model, or not, doesn't matter.
I've also sent her messages, ideas of what we can do to improve the current social media, drive a larger fanbase and more company links. At which point I've been disregarded and had no reply to, I think I'm just going to watch the situation, and talk to the magazine owner if it gets worse. Till that point I'll just screenshot everything I post and if she deletes it or not. Gah haters gunna hate amiright?
Yesterday I also booked my university photographic studio for a photoshoot with a very old friend. In fact one of my best friends. After not replying to any of my texts or phonecalls, it was determined she was a no show. I'm not angry, I could be, as my degree depends on this, but im disappointed, disappointed that every friend I seem to make are unreliable and shit on me at some point. I haven't heard from her still, or had any form of excuse / apology. As I'm currently on this first chance / last chance rule I'm just not interested in speaking to her at all. In fact tomorrow I'm going to collect any things at her parents, then cut contact. If I'm not worth her time, shes for sure not worth mine.
Sorry this is so long... TL/DR - I have to work with an unprofessional girl with a holier than thou attitude it seems, and one of my best friends decided not to show to a photoshoot I require for my degree.
Theres a few things I'm not too happy about right now, last week I applied for an internship at a fashion magazine running their social media, and when they accepted they told me how there would be another admin as well as me to help out. Brilliant, someone to help and the work is spread out?
Well whatever because I think this girl actually hates me?! Its just very funny because shes come across as this highly strung, kittens got her claws out kinda girl? Now normally I embrace this, I'm pretty feisty myself however yesterday It all started.
I made an initial post on the magazines facebook, introducing myself and linking in this girl as someone I was excited to work with. However, dumb dumb here doesnt realise said girl lets call her A, A has 2 profiles, one for her modelling, one personal. I manage to link the personal, herp derp, so she deletes it and posts on my facebook wall 'sorry had to delete it dont link personal I dont want people finding out my real name' I promptly apologist, said that I thought I had linked her other profile, easy mistake right?
I get a semi bitchy reply 'you linked my personal profile'.
Now at that point the conversation could have gone 2 ways, I could have said, 'yes and ive apologized once already, easy mistake' probably getting more bitching
or my friends would have reacted as it was bitchy and they are defensive.
So I deleted everything, messaged to her inbox - like she should have done in the first place, apologized clearly again.
So yesterday I made a general valentines post, a few moments later she deleted it, and added her own? I don't even? I know it was her, and not the magazine owner, as the owner has been offline, and will be offline till today. While I'm not like OMG butthurt about the situation, I feel that she has no respect, professionally or otherwise with me. I also wonder if its like this now, how am I going to deal with her? At least its her acting unprofessionally and not me. Whether shes a model, or not, doesn't matter.
I've also sent her messages, ideas of what we can do to improve the current social media, drive a larger fanbase and more company links. At which point I've been disregarded and had no reply to, I think I'm just going to watch the situation, and talk to the magazine owner if it gets worse. Till that point I'll just screenshot everything I post and if she deletes it or not. Gah haters gunna hate amiright?
Yesterday I also booked my university photographic studio for a photoshoot with a very old friend. In fact one of my best friends. After not replying to any of my texts or phonecalls, it was determined she was a no show. I'm not angry, I could be, as my degree depends on this, but im disappointed, disappointed that every friend I seem to make are unreliable and shit on me at some point. I haven't heard from her still, or had any form of excuse / apology. As I'm currently on this first chance / last chance rule I'm just not interested in speaking to her at all. In fact tomorrow I'm going to collect any things at her parents, then cut contact. If I'm not worth her time, shes for sure not worth mine.
Sorry this is so long... TL/DR - I have to work with an unprofessional girl with a holier than thou attitude it seems, and one of my best friends decided not to show to a photoshoot I require for my degree.
Ahhh and the photoshoot, I have another girl now who is doing a fashion photography degree and knows how horrible it is when people don't show. My real challenge is to book the studio