so the repair guy came this morning and said that the disposal system was just locked up. he said to hit the reset button, which i had done, but it didnt work. he told me to use a tool to turn it if the reset button doesnt work. i think he means the reset button, because when he did that it was under the disposal system, and thats where the reset button is. i guess i will figure it out when i need to, at least i know the thing i am supposed to turn is under the disposal system, so i should be able to figure it out. that was about an hour ago and it still works, but im nervous about it. i wish mike was here to deal with this stuff. im terrible at it. im so passive, that i dont speak up about things because i dont want to hassle the guy. i just stand there and look at my toes and say thank you. but at least i sort of got him to explain it to me. i watched him fix it all 3 times, so hopefully i can figure it out if i need too. damn shyness....gets me everytime.
I looked at your new pictures. Really cool. I love mirror pics. I guess Mike wasn't around to take them for you.