Remember :"If its too loud, you are too old" ?
Perhaps I am
Main Entry: 2jade
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): jaded; jading
transitive verb
1 a : to wear out by overwork or abuse b : to tire or dull through repetition or excess
2 obsolete : to make ridiculous
intransitive verb : to become weary or dulled
synonym see TIRE
I used to log on here everyday, excited. All I wanted was to BECOME, to be a Suicide Girl. I have ideas that have been floating in my head for two years. I want this... but I am so goddamned lazy. I recently signed into the applicant area with my old ID from Missy and was shocked....and also a little psyched to see it still worked. ALRIGHT.... I was a lot of psyched. I still want this. I just need some... positive reinforcement... I am leaving this entry up until I shoot a set and submit it or until my membership ends and the powers send me away.. again.
I am going be.... not so jaded.
xoxo xoxo
o. ps.
I am going to audition at Haks until I can work up the nerve to go to Philly...
Perhaps I am
Main Entry: 2jade
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): jaded; jading
transitive verb
1 a : to wear out by overwork or abuse b : to tire or dull through repetition or excess
2 obsolete : to make ridiculous
intransitive verb : to become weary or dulled
synonym see TIRE
I used to log on here everyday, excited. All I wanted was to BECOME, to be a Suicide Girl. I have ideas that have been floating in my head for two years. I want this... but I am so goddamned lazy. I recently signed into the applicant area with my old ID from Missy and was shocked....and also a little psyched to see it still worked. ALRIGHT.... I was a lot of psyched. I still want this. I just need some... positive reinforcement... I am leaving this entry up until I shoot a set and submit it or until my membership ends and the powers send me away.. again.
I am going be.... not so jaded.
xoxo xoxo
o. ps.
I am going to audition at Haks until I can work up the nerve to go to Philly...
DO IT!!! ive been rooting for you since day one.. sheesh..