*sigh* work blows dogs right now. I'm the only one here & expected to do the workload of 4 people. YAY! This is why I'm looking at study. One of the other guys that works here though is a champ He knows that I'm doing alot of work for no recognition so this morning he brought me in a packet of Red Rock Deli Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream chips & a Pepsi Max - That right there is love So I shared the chips with him & am feeling a bit better
My cousin is visiting from Melb & brought me Christmas cookies from the family. *Drool* I am in fatty heaven right now. I really need to get to the gym I had to cancel my PT session cause I've been working too much & just don't have the time. I really wanna go skating this weekend though. Maybe gym tomorrow & skating on sunday with umbrellas & knee high socks... photos will ensue with Nik-Nik
I'm still not sure of what I want to study. I spent so much of my time saying how I'd never study nor have an enjoyable career that now it's really hard to try & find something I'm actually interested in. Oh well, I'll get there The good thing though is my Mum reminded me of an 'education fund' my Nana setup before she died so whenever I want to study I have the money there to cover tuition or rent if I don't have it due to study or food, etc. so YAY!! I don't have to worry about tuition at all That makes me a happy panda
TYRONE IS MOVING IN 2 WEEKS!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!! & we'll have cosmos & sushi & movie world with gawdy photos with super heros (I wonder if I can get Batman to give me a piggy back? ...I WILL GET BATMAN TO GIVE ME A PIGGY BACK!!) & lazy days giggling!!
6 DAYS TIL ME SLEEVE!! I'm so excited! I'm going in tomorrow to put more money down on it & hopefully there will be artwork for me to see CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Does anyone remember that episode of 'Sabrina: the teenage witch' where Sabrina is supposed to be doing a test on mitosis but she can't get Harvey out of her head singing 'Shake your whammy fanny, funky song, funky song'? I have that song in my head... I'm so getting Petey to download that show for me
mmmmmm... cookie
hehehehe I love that song
*sigh* work blows dogs right now. I'm the only one here & expected to do the workload of 4 people. YAY! This is why I'm looking at study. One of the other guys that works here though is a champ He knows that I'm doing alot of work for no recognition so this morning he brought me in a packet of Red Rock Deli Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream chips & a Pepsi Max - That right there is love So I shared the chips with him & am feeling a bit better
My cousin is visiting from Melb & brought me Christmas cookies from the family. *Drool* I am in fatty heaven right now. I really need to get to the gym I had to cancel my PT session cause I've been working too much & just don't have the time. I really wanna go skating this weekend though. Maybe gym tomorrow & skating on sunday with umbrellas & knee high socks... photos will ensue with Nik-Nik
I'm still not sure of what I want to study. I spent so much of my time saying how I'd never study nor have an enjoyable career that now it's really hard to try & find something I'm actually interested in. Oh well, I'll get there The good thing though is my Mum reminded me of an 'education fund' my Nana setup before she died so whenever I want to study I have the money there to cover tuition or rent if I don't have it due to study or food, etc. so YAY!! I don't have to worry about tuition at all That makes me a happy panda
TYRONE IS MOVING IN 2 WEEKS!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!! & we'll have cosmos & sushi & movie world with gawdy photos with super heros (I wonder if I can get Batman to give me a piggy back? ...I WILL GET BATMAN TO GIVE ME A PIGGY BACK!!) & lazy days giggling!!
6 DAYS TIL ME SLEEVE!! I'm so excited! I'm going in tomorrow to put more money down on it & hopefully there will be artwork for me to see CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Does anyone remember that episode of 'Sabrina: the teenage witch' where Sabrina is supposed to be doing a test on mitosis but she can't get Harvey out of her head singing 'Shake your whammy fanny, funky song, funky song'? I have that song in my head... I'm so getting Petey to download that show for me
mmmmmm... cookie
hehehehe I love that song
I wish I could eat sweet chilli. After getting sick when drunk off sweet chilli philli, the smell makes me hurl. *sigh*