I had to take out one of my nipple piercings today
Not the one that was fucked up in the first place, that one is going along like a champ! But the other one instead. It's just not healing well at all and today was just irritating the fuck out of me so I took it out and you can see that it was done sooooo fucking deep!! Grrrrr. So I'm going to wait for it to heal and go to another piercer to get it re-done but in the meantime, I'm going to ring and complain to the original piercing place. I feel all lopsided 
P is taking me to the movies tonight. I really wanna see 'Where the Wild things are'. I hope it's as good as I remember the book to be, if not, the popcorn and malteasers will totally make up for it
^^ Oh how I love Elaine.
Today has gone sooooooo slowly! I'm still at work though - late shift *groan* but oh well. I brought in my ipod dock so I'm listening to music which is awesome. Plus I brought in my Nintendo DS cause I've been wanting to play Mario Kart so bad & can't find my 64 sooooo I'm at my software support job, playing video games and listening to music... LOVE!
How good would it be to have a bedazzler?!
Good thing too is that because I'm going to get my piercing re-done I can get them to look at my Jefferson tat too
ahhhhhh Jefferson, how I love you so 
T-60 mins left. WOOT!
You know what I hate? People who refer to things as 'Epic'. It makes me cringe inwardly and my soul die just that little bit more. Epic fail. *shudders*

P is taking me to the movies tonight. I really wanna see 'Where the Wild things are'. I hope it's as good as I remember the book to be, if not, the popcorn and malteasers will totally make up for it

^^ Oh how I love Elaine.
Today has gone sooooooo slowly! I'm still at work though - late shift *groan* but oh well. I brought in my ipod dock so I'm listening to music which is awesome. Plus I brought in my Nintendo DS cause I've been wanting to play Mario Kart so bad & can't find my 64 sooooo I'm at my software support job, playing video games and listening to music... LOVE!
How good would it be to have a bedazzler?!
Good thing too is that because I'm going to get my piercing re-done I can get them to look at my Jefferson tat too

T-60 mins left. WOOT!
You know what I hate? People who refer to things as 'Epic'. It makes me cringe inwardly and my soul die just that little bit more. Epic fail. *shudders*
and tyrone .. jefferson has love CONSTANTYL! i thought you would have known that when you left him with me!>.. ps i didn't let minda take him ... even tho she has tried MANY MANY times!