**Does little happy dance**
I'm sooo happy right now!! It may be the 1 litre of diet coke I just consumed or the fact that:
Tonight I'll be having sushi with Naughty_Nik, BrokenP1xel & Crimsonpetals
Saturday night is the SG Ball
...but mostly
Saturday I'm seeing P
I'm all kinds of nervous and excited!! We had this massive txt chat last night & I didn't end up going to bed until about 2. I'm still angry at him but I still love him too. Grrr!! Stupid conflicting feelings!!
Tried on my ball outfit the other night - my tits are SO out there
Can't wait!!!
mmmm I've had the song 'I've got candy' stuck in my head all day thanks to a Naughty Miss!!
ooooo I'm hungry for sushi!!
I'm sooo happy right now!! It may be the 1 litre of diet coke I just consumed or the fact that:

...but mostly

I'm all kinds of nervous and excited!! We had this massive txt chat last night & I didn't end up going to bed until about 2. I'm still angry at him but I still love him too. Grrr!! Stupid conflicting feelings!!
Tried on my ball outfit the other night - my tits are SO out there

mmmm I've had the song 'I've got candy' stuck in my head all day thanks to a Naughty Miss!!
ooooo I'm hungry for sushi!!
WOW U GUYS ALL HAD SUSHI TOGETHER??? I'M JEALOUS. Come to my state and eat some sushi damn you!