I have to admit, I'm a sucker for MTV. Mainly because they have all these UBER cheesy reality shows on it like "date my mom" or "tila tequila".. then there is this show called "Made" which I happened to catch 'in the 10 spot' (at 10pm haha) I also enjoy that show so I watched it.

Lemme tell you a bit about this show... 'Made'....
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I watched that programme before smile I thiink you should be MADE into a princess wink
I don't have much time to write this... but I needed to post a blog for my girl Jen! Today is her BIRTHDAAAY!! I wish I could be there to celebrate it with her, but I know she is in good hands and has amazing friends where she's at... so I know whatever it is she's doing, will be awesome smile

I got her a present,...
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Ditto what Alce just said lol
Yes I am jealous indeed!
When I was growing up, everyone around me always had a favourite animal. Weather it be their pet hamster, dog, cat, turtle... Everyone seemed to have a favourite animal besides me. I think one of the reasons why I could never pick just one animal is because I've always loved all kinds of animals! I've never felt a connection with any particular one. If I...
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Pigs are cute x
ha! cute. Maybe that's why (until recently....god rest his poor lil soul) George Clooney had a pig. They are quite the cute lil critters.

and...the next time I travel down to the falls, I'll take a picture especially for you! then...um...we can photoshop you in there and then we can pretend like you were there! Then you can get your niagara falls fix!

So I guess no one gives a shit about world issues.. either that or they saw how long my last blog was and didn't bother reading it. Regardless, I got no feedback when I was expecting a lot more. I guess no one really cares. Well... if you're someone who doesn't really care about world issues and the shit going...
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A lot of people care about world issues. There's a number of active topics on the boards and within groups where these issues are discussed, it's nothing personal against your writing style or anything.
I completely agree. My dad was a single parent who raised both my sister and I, and would work 7 days a week to make sure we never went hungry, and I think I'm a better person for not having been spoiled. We got a lot of our things through the help of other people, so I try to do what I can to help other people too. It doesn't take much effort, I wish more people would take some initiative, like you!
Lately I've felt lost. Mainly because I'm trying to find myself and figure out who I want to become. It is only in the past 2 years that I've come to realize the amount of love I have in my heart. I've wasted so much time being angry and shutting out the world... that I'm finally ready to welcome the world back into my life....
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So! There was someone who I added on Myspace (who I don't even remember adding because back in the day I added anyone) they so kindly were lurking through my pictures and thought they would write a comment to the owl picture and said "TOTALLY STOLEN FROM A TATTOO MAGAZINE" I believe the caption of the picture was "this would look better painted" and never...
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Awh babes dont let the loser grind you down probably cant draw a stick man the person who commented
Your gallery is great smile
I just watched a documentary on tv about Newfoundland seal hunting. I have to admit, what I saw was devastating! Seeing these harmless animals being clubbed... there are no words to describe how gut wrenched and disgusted I felt.

I was fortunate to be brought up open minded. There wasn't any set beliefs or rules I had to follow. I was always encouraged to speak...
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Good for you sticking by your principles
Something that truly breaks my heart, is bullying.

My youngest cousin who is only 12 years old, is on the shit end of the stick with bullying. I have to admit, that she does not have the best of personality traits... but this is not her own fault. There is no one to blame but her fucked up parents and surrounding which have made her...
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i can understand why you do....but you honestly shouldnt feel guilty. its not your fault or responsibilty.....dont beat yourself up over someone elses mistakes hun.

i know you have said that youve spoken to them before and its brushed off....perhaps write it all down in a letter, and really get out how you feel about them being responsible for her, and the trouble she is having at school, the eating disorder....etc....and maybe they will listen more.

im not sure....ive kinda had the same from my mum, and ive grown up with all kinds of social issues. but i know that my mum wouldnt listen to anyone...not then or now. and she still hasnt changed. so im not sure it would work.

perhaps talk to your cousin? through myspace, or phonecalls. lt her know someone is on her side.
im sure youve done all this though. im not really good at giving advice im afraid.
Awh sweetie not good theres a lot of nasties going around right now. Lots of liquids and bed rest for you young lady
Have you ever noticed that there are some feelings that you could never articulate as well as a song does? Song writers have a brilliant way of wording things. I appreciate and respect those who are like that. I think it takes a wise and talented person to do so. They help make us understand and relate. The message is so direct but with delivered...
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"there is a large difference between hearing a song, and listening to it."

so very very true. i agree with you 100 percent.

your friend is very beautiful smile
I feel the same way about some songs. My friends think I'm crazy for listening to so many different kinds of music, but if I don't feel the same all the time, why should my music be the same?