Im gonna do this survey that I saw on wendy's page because I'm bored.
here's some additional info about me! Sorry its uber boring hahah
1. Who took your profile picture? Its a self portrait
2. Exactly what are you wearing right now? black dress pants, knitted top with a blue European scarf
3. What is your current problem? Same as everyone... moneyyy
4. What makes you most happy? Being lost in my imagination.
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? anything from explosions in the sky atm
________________________________________________________Chapter 1:
1. Nickname? missy (only my fam calls me it)
2. Eye color? blue
3. Hair color? mousy brown
4.Height? 5'7
________________________________________________________ Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parent(s)? not in 5 years
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? better than when we lived together. very close.
3. Are your parents cool? I'd say so.
4. Do you have any Siblings? a younger brother. he's 16 this year
________________________________________________________ Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream? mint chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough
2. Season? fall.. but its the shortest
3. Book? I just finished the twilight series and I loved it. I am a nerd.
4. Colour?GOLD
5. Food? anything minus things with faces.
6. Drink? water, strawberry kiwi juice
9. Pen color? blue
10. Store? value village thrift store!
11. Hero? mom, ole timers like jerry swallow, jenm, marilyn monroe
__________________________________________________________ Chapter 4:
1. Write on your hand: sometimes, for reminders
2. Call people back? hate the phone. so its rare.
3. Believe in love? of course!
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? right side
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 5:
Have you ?
1. Kissed Someone in the past 24 hours? oui
2. If so, where? kitchen
3. Had PHYSICAL therapy? nooo, but i need it. my feet and knees hurt
4. Gotten surgery? nev0r
5. Taken painkillers? nev0r
6. Overdosed on pain killers? nev0r
7. Been stung by a bee? who hasnt?!
8. Threw up in a doctors office: nope. boring.
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 6:
Who/what was the last
3. Thing you touched? laptop
4. Thing you said? "Hey ronnie show wills that youtube video of glen!"
7. Person you hugged? ronald
8. Person you talked to on the phone? taxi person
11. Last book you read? breaking dawn. uber dork.
12. Last time you cleaned your room? last week
13. Last time you talked to someone you liked? today?
________________________________________________________Chapter 7:
1. Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you liked? in his room.
2. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today? friend from newfoundland came down!
3. How many best friends do you have? enough
4. Would you rather get up early or sleep in? depends. i feel more productive when I get up early. but sleeping in it nice...
5. What piercings do you want? left side of my lip and septum
6. Does the thought of marriage scare you? sometimes.
7. What would you like to change about your life right now? SALARY. career/job.
8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? truth
9. Whats on your bedroom floor? clothes
10. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? ronnie
11. Do you trust people easily? very much so.. good and bad thing,
12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? BC
13. Do you think you're good looking? could be better, could be worse.
14. Could you go a day without eating? yeah.
15. How much do looks matter to you? my own... lots. i dont set expectations for others.
16. How do you feel about P.D.A.? iunno
17. When was the last time you had your hair cut? last november
18. Would you rather be mad or sad? mad
19. Does it take a lot to make you cry? not at all.
20. What's the worst car accident you've ever been in? never have been. knocks on wood.
21. Are you tight with your mommy? very!
22. How do you like your steak cooked? im a vegetarian. dont eat meat. but when i did, it was well done.
23. Do you tell your parents everything? basically.
24. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? fish. im scared of heights.
25. Name one fear you have: falling into a comfortable, easy life because it was the safe choice. doing things I THINK I should be doing, but are nothing like what I wanted for myself.I dont want any regrets... the thought of any of this.. well.. it terrifies me.
here's some additional info about me! Sorry its uber boring hahah
1. Who took your profile picture? Its a self portrait
2. Exactly what are you wearing right now? black dress pants, knitted top with a blue European scarf
3. What is your current problem? Same as everyone... moneyyy
4. What makes you most happy? Being lost in my imagination.
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? anything from explosions in the sky atm
________________________________________________________Chapter 1:
1. Nickname? missy (only my fam calls me it)
2. Eye color? blue
3. Hair color? mousy brown
4.Height? 5'7
________________________________________________________ Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parent(s)? not in 5 years
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? better than when we lived together. very close.
3. Are your parents cool? I'd say so.
4. Do you have any Siblings? a younger brother. he's 16 this year
________________________________________________________ Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream? mint chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough
2. Season? fall.. but its the shortest

3. Book? I just finished the twilight series and I loved it. I am a nerd.
4. Colour?GOLD
5. Food? anything minus things with faces.
6. Drink? water, strawberry kiwi juice
9. Pen color? blue
10. Store? value village thrift store!
11. Hero? mom, ole timers like jerry swallow, jenm, marilyn monroe
__________________________________________________________ Chapter 4:
1. Write on your hand: sometimes, for reminders
2. Call people back? hate the phone. so its rare.
3. Believe in love? of course!
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? right side
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 5:
Have you ?
1. Kissed Someone in the past 24 hours? oui
2. If so, where? kitchen
3. Had PHYSICAL therapy? nooo, but i need it. my feet and knees hurt

4. Gotten surgery? nev0r
5. Taken painkillers? nev0r
6. Overdosed on pain killers? nev0r
7. Been stung by a bee? who hasnt?!
8. Threw up in a doctors office: nope. boring.
___________________________________________________________ Chapter 6:
Who/what was the last
3. Thing you touched? laptop
4. Thing you said? "Hey ronnie show wills that youtube video of glen!"
7. Person you hugged? ronald
8. Person you talked to on the phone? taxi person
11. Last book you read? breaking dawn. uber dork.
12. Last time you cleaned your room? last week
13. Last time you talked to someone you liked? today?
________________________________________________________Chapter 7:
1. Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you liked? in his room.
2. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today? friend from newfoundland came down!
3. How many best friends do you have? enough
4. Would you rather get up early or sleep in? depends. i feel more productive when I get up early. but sleeping in it nice...
5. What piercings do you want? left side of my lip and septum
6. Does the thought of marriage scare you? sometimes.
7. What would you like to change about your life right now? SALARY. career/job.
8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? truth
9. Whats on your bedroom floor? clothes
10. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? ronnie
11. Do you trust people easily? very much so.. good and bad thing,
12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? BC
13. Do you think you're good looking? could be better, could be worse.
14. Could you go a day without eating? yeah.
15. How much do looks matter to you? my own... lots. i dont set expectations for others.
16. How do you feel about P.D.A.? iunno
17. When was the last time you had your hair cut? last november
18. Would you rather be mad or sad? mad
19. Does it take a lot to make you cry? not at all.
20. What's the worst car accident you've ever been in? never have been. knocks on wood.
21. Are you tight with your mommy? very!
22. How do you like your steak cooked? im a vegetarian. dont eat meat. but when i did, it was well done.
23. Do you tell your parents everything? basically.
24. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? fish. im scared of heights.
25. Name one fear you have: falling into a comfortable, easy life because it was the safe choice. doing things I THINK I should be doing, but are nothing like what I wanted for myself.I dont want any regrets... the thought of any of this.. well.. it terrifies me.