Something that truly breaks my heart, is bullying.
My youngest cousin who is only 12 years old, is on the shit end of the stick with bullying. I have to admit, that she does not have the best of personality traits... but this is not her own fault. There is no one to blame but her fucked up parents and surrounding which have made her this way.
She is a compulsive liar... You could catch her red handed stealing, video tape it, play it back to her, and she will STILL deny it. It's like she believes in her head that her lies are true. It's a sickness really. She also has an eating disorder. She must be almost as tall as me 5'5 or so, and is still under 100 pounds. She refuses to eat because she doesn't want to get fat... but when a size zero doesn't even fit, and she is still shopping in the kids section... I am concerned, and wonder how no one else in her life is? She has also said when she was 9 years old that when she grew up she wanted to be a stripper. What kind of 9 year old says that? She said it was because they made lots of money... How would a child know that? I feel like her innocence was stolen at such a young age.
Kids in her school think she's a snitch and are constantly name calling. There have been instances where she's been beat up. The kids know there just isn't something quite normal about her. They know she tries way too hard to be liked, and her personality isn't genuine. To be truthful, I don't even know the real her because of the persistent lying.
I saw on her facebook, people that she had added "as friends" are leaving threatening messages like "you're a fucking snitch and you're going to get what's coming to you".... I would be genuinely scared at her age, having to look over your shoulder all the time, wondering when the next punch will be thrown? No child should have to live that way! I wrote the girls who was leaving a message and said
"Those are considered threatening messages and can be taken very seriously. I am 21 years old, I have been bullied, and I was a bully. I now see that it was senseless... There is no need for putting someone down to make yourself seem better than them. When high school is said and done, you are NO BODY and NO BODY cares 'how cool' you are anymore... grow the fuck up and realize that. You get a lot farther in life when you're nice to people"
What people are not realizing... is if kids have learning disorders, or social issues... it isn't the childs fault. It's the parents fault who wasn't supportive enough, didn't provide enough positive attention, they didn't teach them how to have healthy relationships, and they didn't see the signs of depression, or do anything when they're bullied. It sickens me that MY OWN FAMILY could neglect her. I have said endless times, you should put her into see a psychiatrist. And they respond "oh she just needs lots of love" and the next minute they're saying 'she's a stupid fuck and she's going to fail grade 6'. It's almost as if they don't want to own up to the fact that they've been a shitty parent/ guardian. My cousin needs a lot more than 'lots of love' (which she isn't getting) because of how seriously fucked up my family has made her.
It breaks my heart that I am half way across the country. I can't be close to her to hang out, take her to the mall, see a movie, teach her how to respect herself, provide comforting words when she was bullied at school... maybe even show up at her school and confront these kids to their faces! I doubt they'd wanna deal with someone twice their size and age.
I am old enough to get help. I am getting help for myself! I have had a rough childhood... I have fucked up, and will continue to fuck up... but at least I am old enough, and smart enough, to reach out to someone else to put me back on track. She isn't old enough you know?! I just DO NOT understand how my family can sit back, see this happen... and just not want to deal with it. I mentally, cannot fucking comprehend how incredibly selfish these people are. This is why I live half way across the country from them. To keep my sanity. I guess that was selfish on my part, because I know I could be a better guardian to her than her own parents.
I feel guilty.
My youngest cousin who is only 12 years old, is on the shit end of the stick with bullying. I have to admit, that she does not have the best of personality traits... but this is not her own fault. There is no one to blame but her fucked up parents and surrounding which have made her this way.
She is a compulsive liar... You could catch her red handed stealing, video tape it, play it back to her, and she will STILL deny it. It's like she believes in her head that her lies are true. It's a sickness really. She also has an eating disorder. She must be almost as tall as me 5'5 or so, and is still under 100 pounds. She refuses to eat because she doesn't want to get fat... but when a size zero doesn't even fit, and she is still shopping in the kids section... I am concerned, and wonder how no one else in her life is? She has also said when she was 9 years old that when she grew up she wanted to be a stripper. What kind of 9 year old says that? She said it was because they made lots of money... How would a child know that? I feel like her innocence was stolen at such a young age.
Kids in her school think she's a snitch and are constantly name calling. There have been instances where she's been beat up. The kids know there just isn't something quite normal about her. They know she tries way too hard to be liked, and her personality isn't genuine. To be truthful, I don't even know the real her because of the persistent lying.
I saw on her facebook, people that she had added "as friends" are leaving threatening messages like "you're a fucking snitch and you're going to get what's coming to you".... I would be genuinely scared at her age, having to look over your shoulder all the time, wondering when the next punch will be thrown? No child should have to live that way! I wrote the girls who was leaving a message and said
"Those are considered threatening messages and can be taken very seriously. I am 21 years old, I have been bullied, and I was a bully. I now see that it was senseless... There is no need for putting someone down to make yourself seem better than them. When high school is said and done, you are NO BODY and NO BODY cares 'how cool' you are anymore... grow the fuck up and realize that. You get a lot farther in life when you're nice to people"
What people are not realizing... is if kids have learning disorders, or social issues... it isn't the childs fault. It's the parents fault who wasn't supportive enough, didn't provide enough positive attention, they didn't teach them how to have healthy relationships, and they didn't see the signs of depression, or do anything when they're bullied. It sickens me that MY OWN FAMILY could neglect her. I have said endless times, you should put her into see a psychiatrist. And they respond "oh she just needs lots of love" and the next minute they're saying 'she's a stupid fuck and she's going to fail grade 6'. It's almost as if they don't want to own up to the fact that they've been a shitty parent/ guardian. My cousin needs a lot more than 'lots of love' (which she isn't getting) because of how seriously fucked up my family has made her.
It breaks my heart that I am half way across the country. I can't be close to her to hang out, take her to the mall, see a movie, teach her how to respect herself, provide comforting words when she was bullied at school... maybe even show up at her school and confront these kids to their faces! I doubt they'd wanna deal with someone twice their size and age.
I am old enough to get help. I am getting help for myself! I have had a rough childhood... I have fucked up, and will continue to fuck up... but at least I am old enough, and smart enough, to reach out to someone else to put me back on track. She isn't old enough you know?! I just DO NOT understand how my family can sit back, see this happen... and just not want to deal with it. I mentally, cannot fucking comprehend how incredibly selfish these people are. This is why I live half way across the country from them. To keep my sanity. I guess that was selfish on my part, because I know I could be a better guardian to her than her own parents.
I feel guilty.
i know you have said that youve spoken to them before and its brushed off....perhaps write it all down in a letter, and really get out how you feel about them being responsible for her, and the trouble she is having at school, the eating disorder....etc....and maybe they will listen more.
im not sure....ive kinda had the same from my mum, and ive grown up with all kinds of social issues. but i know that my mum wouldnt listen to anyone...not then or now. and she still hasnt changed. so im not sure it would work.
perhaps talk to your cousin? through myspace, or phonecalls. lt her know someone is on her side.
im sure youve done all this though. im not really good at giving advice im afraid.