I think someone tried to poison the president... Read.
I leave in t-minus 2 days, 17 hours and 55 minutes. I'll be heading to the arms of my love. This has been the longest we've gone without seeing each other, well, except the 24 years before we met. . . I am so very excited! If you can't tell.
I deserve some time away and I believe this will be the most amazing time of my life! I truly have had such a rough few weeks, I honestly feel I deserve something to go really amazing for once.
Monday the 12th of March, I woke up and was extremely nauseous. I thought perhaps I could be constipated so I took so medicine and went on with my daily routine. Only, I couldn't continue. Aeson was there, and I had started vomiting, very violently. I called Eric and let him know, then called work and told Greg there was no way I could come in. Before Eric came to pick up Aeson I called my mom for help. I felt horrible, I couldn't care for my son. Eric came and then my mom showed up with some phenegran. I couldn't keep it down and had been puking since 9am already (it was after 5pm by then) so she took me to the e.r. Thank god it is literally a stone's throw from my door step. I was seen, diagnosed with the flu, pumped with drugs, and sent on my way home. I slept the rest of the night and truly until I went to work the next afternoon. I was a zombie at work and even helped us fail a mystery shop because I stayed hidden in the office all night.
I felt horrible when I got home, took a phenegran, talked to Christian, and passed the fuck out.. For maybe 2 hours.. When I awoke and starting vomiting. I tried to shake it with a bath and some medicine, but up came the drugs and then the phone calls started. I called 911. Can you believe they tried to talk me out of the ambulance ride? I wouldn't have called if I didn't need a ride....
Anyhow, I'm hooked up to some meds after a few hours and I passed out. The nausea was so intense and the vomiting wouldn't stop so they tried me on a third medicine; Reglan. (The other was Zofran.) I had an allergic reaction to the Reglan and my body started spazming uncontrollably. My mom thought I was having a seizure. They put ativan in my i.v. and knocked me out. I vaguely remember much until I was being put on an x-ray table, but none other than Amy Winehouse. Swear this girl looked just like the broad. One of the nights, a nurse gave me a turkey sandwich and it went down hill from there. And from then on all I truly remember is vomiting, calling for my nurse because of my beeping i.v. and more vomiting. I really came around Saturday the 17 around 3am. I was able to FaceTime with Christian (he sent me a pink teddy bear!) and I even asked for food. I was starving, literally. It hurt.
My understanding is stomach virus help eat a hole into my stomach and started causing me to vomit blood. I had 5 different meds in my i.v.'s and had blood drawn every 6 hours. By the time it was gone all I wanted to do was eat and go home! I was crying, literally sobbing. They discharged me a little after 5pm Saturday evening. I went home and showered for the first time in 6 days. I cleaned my house and held Aeson, then drove to the grocery. I had to pull over on the way there and truthfully should not have been driving. But alas, I am home and a live!
Here's where the president part comes in. Mr. President was in my fine city for the NCAA Tourney Selection Show and then the first four games of The Tourney at UD Arena. I was in the Oregon district, where Selection Show parties were being held, and within 48 hours I was hospitalized. Get this- 65% of the people in the e.r. that Monday were there for the same thing. When I was coherent and sitting in my prison of a hospital bed Saturday, I heard violent vomiting coming from the halls. When I left, 5 rooms on either side of the hall in both directions all had signs on the door stating the need for personal protective equipment upon entering the room, and no visitors. The President was in the same 1 mile radius of where all the NCAA action was and so was I and so were 65% of the people in the e.r., because well, they were in that hospital after all and there 5 surrounding the inner city.
Someone, please call me crazy now!!

Fuck!!! That's some freaky ass shit!!! I really hope you're feeling better soon, that all sounds so nasty!