I have to go to court on the 6th at 10am. I have to testify as a witness against this man named Terril who tried to rob me on the street with Aeson. As terrified as we both were, I feel sorry for the guy. He couldn't be much older than 20. Where did his life go wrong to make him try rob helpless women? If I get a chance to say anything to him, I'd like to let him know how I feel. What if I was his wife, or 'baby-mama', girlfriend, sister, mother, daughter, and he found out that happened? What went wrong? When and where did you decide robbing helpless women with an infant I might add, sounded like a good idea?I don't know you from anyone else on the street, but I do know somewhere something or someone failed on you. Well, guess what, life is full of failures. This time 3 months ago I was barely able to feed myself. I was literally living day to day. But there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it was far off in the distance, sometimes it was just out of reach. Then finally, I could feel it, I could smell it, I went for it and now here I am. No matter what you do, there is always something better and I'm sorry no one was there to teach you that.
I Love that. You should almost print that out so you don't forget, they are strong words!