I'm never on here much anymore. It makes me sad! But the person keeping me busy is the most amazing wee-man ever! My Aeson is getting so very big. I'll post some pictures once I upload them.
Just a quick update and I'm off to do a long day.
We/ve moved. I still have my apartment with all of my stuff in it. We stay with daddy now. In may we'll be done with the house and we'll officially live here for real. It's nice. We have a family.
I have a few new found obsessions. One being cigarettes. Yes, I suck, I started smoking again. I dont worry about what you do, so don't yell at me about smoking!
I started drinking coffee. Why didn't anyone tell me about this stuff before. Coffee, hot chocolate mix, and some milk. Thanks, see-ya-bye pot of coffee..
And Skins. Not the MTV show though, the original English one. I love love love this show.
I found sex again too. I'm not obsessed, but it's delightful.
Oh, and I think my wedding date is going to be 12/12/12.
Goes right in with the 12 on my elbow and all the other 12's in my life. (In case you don't know, they are: born Augst 12 at 12:21, was 21 inches long, the tattoo 12 was my 12th tattoo, and Tom Brady is my quarterback.)
Yup, it's settled. We're getting married 12/12/12.
Spoilered for length and cuteness overload. This high of an unexpected amount of cuteness would kill ya!
Just a quick update and I'm off to do a long day.
We/ve moved. I still have my apartment with all of my stuff in it. We stay with daddy now. In may we'll be done with the house and we'll officially live here for real. It's nice. We have a family.

I have a few new found obsessions. One being cigarettes. Yes, I suck, I started smoking again. I dont worry about what you do, so don't yell at me about smoking!

I started drinking coffee. Why didn't anyone tell me about this stuff before. Coffee, hot chocolate mix, and some milk. Thanks, see-ya-bye pot of coffee..
And Skins. Not the MTV show though, the original English one. I love love love this show.
I found sex again too. I'm not obsessed, but it's delightful.
Oh, and I think my wedding date is going to be 12/12/12.
Goes right in with the 12 on my elbow and all the other 12's in my life. (In case you don't know, they are: born Augst 12 at 12:21, was 21 inches long, the tattoo 12 was my 12th tattoo, and Tom Brady is my quarterback.)
Yup, it's settled. We're getting married 12/12/12.
Spoilered for length and cuteness overload. This high of an unexpected amount of cuteness would kill ya!
That is once cute kiddo. Congrats.