The day I found out I was pregnant was not a good day. I was alone, sick as hell, and single and technically homeless. I had just split with the boyfriend of two years thru a very messy and nasty break up. I sent him a picture of the positive test at 5 am and he called me crying. We got back together instantly. We were in love and this was going to be the best thing for our relationship. But there was a drawback, he was moving 1800 miles away from OH to AZ. After the first few weeks of trying to mend our torn relationship thru long distance, he eventually found someone else. I kept my promise ring on and as much as it hurt, I had to accept what he had done because I had no say in the matter. I had to get on my feet and get myself together for my son and me. After living at home with mom for a few months and having surgery on my kidney, I finally found us a place. I now live paycheck to paycheck and drive a car which frankly, I haven't driven in over a week and I'm afraid it won't start tomorrow. I am living off the food I get from WIC. I'm so greatful for having breasts because I don't have to worry about where the money is going to come from to feed Aeson. I haven't heard from Dustin since Aeson was born. Not once. The last thing he said to me was that he didn't want anything to do with this boy. He got his wish. I lost my social life and my body for the love of my son. I am admittedly vain and over last summer I started a change in my physcial appearance. I lost 40 lbs from May to Sept and just kept shedding the weight until, of course, I got pregnant. More of an incentive to get my body back now. BUT after all is said and done, and all the gallons of tears I've cried over Dustin and my situation and everything else, I wouldn't change anything for the world. My son is the best thing that could have happened to me. Everytime I look at him I want to cry. He is everything I could have imagined. He's such a sweet soul and when I hold him he makes everything better. He has changed my life for the good forever. He made me get completely out of what my mom calls my 'stuck and stupid stage', really quick. I'd give it all or take it all just for him. I'd kill or be killed for him. And when he was in my belly I made him a promise that no matter how hard life was for me, he'd never know. He really is the only man I need, at least for now... or the next six weeks anyway 
It's just "me and you against the world" Aeson. We're gonna make it!

It's just "me and you against the world" Aeson. We're gonna make it!

I was raised by a single mother.
the story killed me,,, hope all is well for you and little man