I'm getting so anxious and impatient. I've been talking to him, rubbing my belly and, don't tell, but sort of yelling at him.. HIDE AND SEEK IS OVER! I FOUND YOU BUT YOU WEREN'T HIDING VERY WELL SO YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!!! He hasn't moved but 2-3 times today and that was all foot and it feels like he's trying to take his feet from my ribs to up under my diaphragm. No more contractions like last night. I've had a few bouts of lower back pain and tightening up front and my hips kinda feel like they're going to split. We timed those, nothing signifigant. I think I'm possibly stuck in early labor.
Ma and I went on two walks. The first turned out to be an exhausting one. We kind of had no clue where this one path was leading us and it turned into an hour or so. We went on another one with the doggy and that one was a little more intense. By the time I got home I was a little uncomfortable. All the old people in her neighborhood were out and the ladies all asked if I was walking to get the baby out!!
I have an appointment at 2pm tomorrow, and at least I know for sure I'm dilated now. So tomorrow I'll just have to see how far. Maybe she'll tell me something good, or do like Addison had happen to her and strip my membranes and break my water. (it was something like that right?!)
For now it's more rocking on the ball and trying to keep myself occupied. If I could sleep on this ball, I think I would.
Ma and I went on two walks. The first turned out to be an exhausting one. We kind of had no clue where this one path was leading us and it turned into an hour or so. We went on another one with the doggy and that one was a little more intense. By the time I got home I was a little uncomfortable. All the old people in her neighborhood were out and the ladies all asked if I was walking to get the baby out!!
I have an appointment at 2pm tomorrow, and at least I know for sure I'm dilated now. So tomorrow I'll just have to see how far. Maybe she'll tell me something good, or do like Addison had happen to her and strip my membranes and break my water. (it was something like that right?!)
For now it's more rocking on the ball and trying to keep myself occupied. If I could sleep on this ball, I think I would.
it's funny...i ran into my OB today at soccer practice (we have kids the same age) and she told me that you can go a week or two after losing the plug before your water breaks, if your water breaks at all...they had to break mine after they started a pitocin drip (i was 12 days late with my first ) it's weird when they do it, just a head's up