Well.. I think it's just about time. Not exactly time to go to the hospital yet.. But, I just lost my mucus plug, or a good chunk of it any how, and started my loverly bloody show. Contractions stopped for a while, I was at every 2:52 min with them lasting 57 seconds (according to my babybump app). I keep wanting to vomit too.. Which I've done, well, twice now. Makes me re-think the jalapenos.
I'm exhausted, been up for close to 24 hours, but I can't seem to let myself go to sleep. I'm a little anxious. I have the next two days off work. Maybe the next two days and 8 weeks...
There's a great possibility that I will be 100% alone in the hospital to deliver. My mom (my coach) is really sick with a 102 fever. Awesome. Well, I've had plenty of dreams that I've delivered alone, so maybe they were really preminissions.
Ah well, I'm going to try and sleep.
Oh.. and... I've lost 6 inches off of my belly.. I'm down to a 46" waist, and bebe is still in there! He's just really low in my birth canal (duh). I'm so ready for this kid to join me on this side of the womb! If stronger contractions haven't started up again by the time I wake up, I'm going for another nice and very long walk.
It's baby time!!

I'm exhausted, been up for close to 24 hours, but I can't seem to let myself go to sleep. I'm a little anxious. I have the next two days off work. Maybe the next two days and 8 weeks...
There's a great possibility that I will be 100% alone in the hospital to deliver. My mom (my coach) is really sick with a 102 fever. Awesome. Well, I've had plenty of dreams that I've delivered alone, so maybe they were really preminissions.
Ah well, I'm going to try and sleep.
Oh.. and... I've lost 6 inches off of my belly.. I'm down to a 46" waist, and bebe is still in there! He's just really low in my birth canal (duh). I'm so ready for this kid to join me on this side of the womb! If stronger contractions haven't started up again by the time I wake up, I'm going for another nice and very long walk.
It's baby time!!
if i remember correctly, that means you'll go within the week, right?? 'go' meaning deliver your beautiful baby boy
you're in my thoughts, love xoxox

Oh yeah... I haz new hairz