Just watched this. Orgasmic Birth Made me cry.
I'm watching 27 dresses, sitting on my floor, feeling like a whale, and it's making me cry. And it's not even at a sappy part.
These contractions really hurt. And are starting to hurt a lot worse and happen more often.
Did you know when you leave juice in the fridge for too long it becomes, um, not juice? It's carbonated and tangy, I think maybe it fermented.. I shoulda taken a picture. Oh well.. Down the drain it went.
Baby isn't transverse. He was, but he did move to head down. I was worried he had moved back into a transverse position. But this website Spinning Babies helped answer some questions. The flittering I feel in, uh, right above my, uh, hoo-ha is his hands!
Okay, 27 Dresses just got sappy, and I cried. I want to get married, or be in love again.
I just want to stop thinking about him. It started again. The crying because of thinking about him.
I hate him. And sometimes I just want to call him and tell him that. Just let him know how muich I hate him for leaving me here, pregnant, alone, with his son.
but then I think of my son. MY SON. He is my son. I'm going to be a mommy here in just a couple of weeks.
They (really just a random collection of people) have started a pool as to when he'll be born. I'm sticking with th 14. My mom says the 19, Rich says the 23, Tara says this week, Cortney says Thursday.
I have to make it at least another 2 weeks so I can get my bonus, or I'm gonna be up shit creek without a paddle when it comes to paying my bills while I'm on leave. Gosh, if he's not going to be here physically to help take care of Aeson, I wish he would at least send me some money. He had me open a savings account at Wright Patt to which he's put nothing in except the money he owed me. I do have about $200 saved in there to pay for the first part of day care until I start getting a pay check again.
I want to quit my job and live off the government. Well, that would be nice for a while, but no, not really..
I officially have stretch marks.
They're not deep, but they do get reddish/purple sometimes. They make me cry, so I just put cocoa butter on them and put my shirt back down. I hope they go away.
The baby 'sticking his butt out' has really been contractions this whole time. Interesting.
I didn't get out of bed until after that woman called at 4:20. It's 7, and I think I'm ready to go back to bed.
I get to see that boy tomorrow. I wish he was here right now though.. I'm feeling awfully lonely.
I'm watching 27 dresses, sitting on my floor, feeling like a whale, and it's making me cry. And it's not even at a sappy part.
These contractions really hurt. And are starting to hurt a lot worse and happen more often.
Did you know when you leave juice in the fridge for too long it becomes, um, not juice? It's carbonated and tangy, I think maybe it fermented.. I shoulda taken a picture. Oh well.. Down the drain it went.
Baby isn't transverse. He was, but he did move to head down. I was worried he had moved back into a transverse position. But this website Spinning Babies helped answer some questions. The flittering I feel in, uh, right above my, uh, hoo-ha is his hands!
Okay, 27 Dresses just got sappy, and I cried. I want to get married, or be in love again.
I just want to stop thinking about him. It started again. The crying because of thinking about him.
I hate him. And sometimes I just want to call him and tell him that. Just let him know how muich I hate him for leaving me here, pregnant, alone, with his son.
but then I think of my son. MY SON. He is my son. I'm going to be a mommy here in just a couple of weeks.
They (really just a random collection of people) have started a pool as to when he'll be born. I'm sticking with th 14. My mom says the 19, Rich says the 23, Tara says this week, Cortney says Thursday.
I have to make it at least another 2 weeks so I can get my bonus, or I'm gonna be up shit creek without a paddle when it comes to paying my bills while I'm on leave. Gosh, if he's not going to be here physically to help take care of Aeson, I wish he would at least send me some money. He had me open a savings account at Wright Patt to which he's put nothing in except the money he owed me. I do have about $200 saved in there to pay for the first part of day care until I start getting a pay check again.
I want to quit my job and live off the government. Well, that would be nice for a while, but no, not really..
I officially have stretch marks.

The baby 'sticking his butt out' has really been contractions this whole time. Interesting.
I didn't get out of bed until after that woman called at 4:20. It's 7, and I think I'm ready to go back to bed.
I get to see that boy tomorrow. I wish he was here right now though.. I'm feeling awfully lonely.
i wanna make a golf ball baby head
wow...hormones have hit hard, huh?? chin up, hun...it'll all be worth it when you're finally looking into his eyes