Cry, big big big cry, more cry and more cry. Longest day ever, followed by longest day and more longest day. And some more cry. I didn't go to sleep until 12am, got up at 3am, went to work, got off at 4pm.. Tour of the birthing center at the hospital. Man am I glad my mom wasn't the only mom there. That was a long hour of walking on hard cement. My feet are super swollen and I'm super exhausted. I wanted to talk to Josh and tell him I don't think it's a good idea that we keep seeing eachother. He's just not what I'm looking for romantically in a man. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I don't think he's it. I want to tell him that so he can stop looking at me like he does. But of course, when I called, at the time I said I would, he didn't answer, and didn't bother to call back for almost 4 hours. When he did call back I was still at the hospital and then went out to eat with my mom. And we were right by my work, which is on the same road as the hospital and Josh's. Where do you think he was? Oh yeah, Bdubs.. I got all the way to my moms, went to get my keys, and saw my work keys were still at work. How am I to open if my keys are locked inside the building.. Another trip down to where I just was! Josh was there, didn't say a word to me. I waved.. he waved.. Okay. I texted him, all I got was an "Ok." I'm about to tell this guy in a text that I don't wanna see him anymore! That's so lame, but he'd rather sit at my bar than talk to me.. Oh well. So I leave, exhausted.. Go to get on 75 North and the ramp is closed. The freakin detour was 20 minutes out of my way too!! I get on the highway and what do you know, I blow a fuse in my dash and there goes everything.. Except the lights. I get off the highway, turn my car off to see if it will turn back on. Nope. Then my car wouldn't start. Fuck that piece!! So because my speedometor is out, I get behind a semi-truck in the slow lane and follow it home. He got off, I have no clue how fast I'm going and another semi comes barreling behind me (mind you no one in the fast lane) and lays on his horn. Fuck you guy!! I flipped him off and started crying. . again. Now I'm home, have to be up for work in a few hours (again) and my ankles are scary swollen..
Cry cry cry.
Cry cry cry cry cry.