Well.. I have a washer and dryer now! Thanks mom! But.. The dryer isn't fully hooked up. I have to get a different hose/tube/vent/slinky looking thing to hook up to it. I'm super exhausted and swollen today. I haven't even done anything yet, but my fingers are all fat looking.
Stupid heat and water retention. I go back to the dr. on the 14th for my glucose screening. Yay. . . I just wish it was tomorrow already. Just about this time tomorrow I'd be on my way to see Dr. Miller to have my stent taken out. This is going to be such a long night at work. It hurts to stand. Period. Doesn't matter how long, it just hurts. I've been doing some research on stents and stent removal and apparently this is all normal. The pain I've experienced for almost two months because of this thing inside me is normal. Only, most people only have to deal with a stent for a week or two and they are on bed rest the entire time. Not my case. They wanted me to leave this thing in for 4 months! I just can't take it anymore. It burns when I pee. LOL. There hasn't been so much blood lately, but there was over the weekend.
I get my bonus and my paycheck with my raise on it on Friday! I'm ordering the baby furniture! I'm a little disappointed in my baby shower. Don't get me wrong. I am so grateful to have people and friends who care about me enough to get together to have a celebration for my baby! I am thankful for the gifts and the time and the love. But they told me I needed to add a ton of stuff to my registry because about 70 people would be there and I would be spoiled and have everything I needed. Well, I don't have anything but a monitor and a diaper jeanie. I was waiting to go baby shopping again until after my shower thinking I wouldn't need much. But I need everything. Oh well, I was never depending on people for everything, but it did get my hopes up. And one of the last things Dustin said to me was "What would make you happy? Money from me?" Kind of. YES. I mean I got this on my own, this whole living on my own, getting my own place, car and everything else. But I'm spending thousands on his baby and he hasn't done anything at all (emotionally or financially) for me except make me wish I wasn't pregnant sometimes.
This crap makes me sad. I have to focus on the positives. Dustin is a negative in my life. I've done nothing but try to live as a good woman, a good pregnant woman, since he left and its like.. its like he's out to hurt me with every turn. He wants to see me fail. He's started threatening me again with taking my son. That'll never happen. I'd never try to take my son from him and have never threatened that. We haven't spoken in a few days and I'd really like to keep it that way for a while. Any time he calls me or texts me all he does is make me feel bad for being pregnant with his son.
Ah well. MY SON is the most important thing to me right now. He's so busy in my belly. So so busy these past couple of days! He makes me feel like I have bubble gut only without the tummy ache! I loves him in my belly so much. I dream of how perfect he is. I can't wait to hold him for the first time! My emotional wreck-ness is coming back - thank you third trimester. So is the fatigue and cravings and morning sickness. Its not as bad as it was though. I think Aeson will be coming before the end of September. I think the original due date of Sept 2 is better than that of Sept 29, putting me at 32 weeks and not 28. We'll see for sure when he comes!
I'm taking a nap till 3pm. Ni Ni.

I get my bonus and my paycheck with my raise on it on Friday! I'm ordering the baby furniture! I'm a little disappointed in my baby shower. Don't get me wrong. I am so grateful to have people and friends who care about me enough to get together to have a celebration for my baby! I am thankful for the gifts and the time and the love. But they told me I needed to add a ton of stuff to my registry because about 70 people would be there and I would be spoiled and have everything I needed. Well, I don't have anything but a monitor and a diaper jeanie. I was waiting to go baby shopping again until after my shower thinking I wouldn't need much. But I need everything. Oh well, I was never depending on people for everything, but it did get my hopes up. And one of the last things Dustin said to me was "What would make you happy? Money from me?" Kind of. YES. I mean I got this on my own, this whole living on my own, getting my own place, car and everything else. But I'm spending thousands on his baby and he hasn't done anything at all (emotionally or financially) for me except make me wish I wasn't pregnant sometimes.
This crap makes me sad. I have to focus on the positives. Dustin is a negative in my life. I've done nothing but try to live as a good woman, a good pregnant woman, since he left and its like.. its like he's out to hurt me with every turn. He wants to see me fail. He's started threatening me again with taking my son. That'll never happen. I'd never try to take my son from him and have never threatened that. We haven't spoken in a few days and I'd really like to keep it that way for a while. Any time he calls me or texts me all he does is make me feel bad for being pregnant with his son.
Ah well. MY SON is the most important thing to me right now. He's so busy in my belly. So so busy these past couple of days! He makes me feel like I have bubble gut only without the tummy ache! I loves him in my belly so much. I dream of how perfect he is. I can't wait to hold him for the first time! My emotional wreck-ness is coming back - thank you third trimester. So is the fatigue and cravings and morning sickness. Its not as bad as it was though. I think Aeson will be coming before the end of September. I think the original due date of Sept 2 is better than that of Sept 29, putting me at 32 weeks and not 28. We'll see for sure when he comes!
I'm taking a nap till 3pm. Ni Ni.
glad to hear stuff is going good....

LOVE your son's name!!! Be strong, hun...nothing else matters except you and that beautiful baby