Soo sad. It's 96 degrees with about 90% humidity today. I realllly reallllly REALLLYYY wanted a sweet tea from McDonalds. So I go, out of my way, and the line is 10 cars long. I don't have AC, so I got out. Waited about 5 min inside. Get home, out of my car, and drop my tea!

I wanted to cry but there were these little kids outside and they told me it would be okay.
On a light and good note! I'm having outpatient surgery friday! I'm having my stent removed! Yay!!! And then I get to go to work! YAY!
shitty about the tea.. not so shitty about your surgery
The tea story stinks. I've been in that exact spot with my starbucks iced coffee. Awful. But you will survive freak-