Starting tomorrow (Wednesday) I have to start recording everything I eat. I've been breaking out in horrible hives through the night. Years ago we determined it was a nickel allergy because it seemed to only happen after I ate spinach. It happens 5 out of 7 nights a week now! At first we thought it was something at work, then we thought it was a chemical coolent in the a/c, then stress, etc.. Thought we really had it narrowed down to spinach! I'm begining to wonder if it isn't a gluten allergy and baby is just making it bad. Silly baby, messing my body up in so many wonderful ways!
Hey, I bet I start losing weight (not in a bad way) because I'll be consious of counting my calories again. Last time I did that I lost 40 lbs in about 3 months. I was also on a very very VERY strict 1100 calorie diet and was living in the gym or working out at home. That motivation kind of went out the door about 8 weeks into my pregnancy. LOL.. And 1100 calories is about 1000 too little to keep baby and me nourished. Take that nutrionist! That's why I gained 12 lbs in 15 weeks and why I've only gained 4 since then.. Yet baby weights 1.3 lbs! (And he has nipples.. lol.. I have 2 sets of nipples and a weenie inside me at all times!)
OMFG goodnight.

Hey, I bet I start losing weight (not in a bad way) because I'll be consious of counting my calories again. Last time I did that I lost 40 lbs in about 3 months. I was also on a very very VERY strict 1100 calorie diet and was living in the gym or working out at home. That motivation kind of went out the door about 8 weeks into my pregnancy. LOL.. And 1100 calories is about 1000 too little to keep baby and me nourished. Take that nutrionist! That's why I gained 12 lbs in 15 weeks and why I've only gained 4 since then.. Yet baby weights 1.3 lbs! (And he has nipples.. lol.. I have 2 sets of nipples and a weenie inside me at all times!)
OMFG goodnight.
Have a great Wednesday... sister
very funny outlook of what is going on, and BTW you look amazing!