It was hard today. I tried with everything to make it a good day. The sun was out and it was absolutely gorgeous. I need the week I'm taking off to be here already! I need some time for me and to keep myself busy. I need the sunshine on my skin and the thought of knowing I don't have to get up one day at 2pm to get off work at 4am, to have the next day off to then get up at 5am to get off at 5pm, to then go back to work the next day at 5pm! My schedule is whack, and that is okay, except for the fact I'm pregnant! I need some time OFF!! Today, I can't even remember today. Normally the ignorance of the Tuesday wing crowd really get to me. Like I said, I don't even remember today. It's all a blur. I don't think I smiled but at Mickey. I like him. Not like that, but I enjoy his presence. He is a genuine soul and makes work fun. I am so down today. I've been feeling sick all day, sick to my stomach. It's depression, not baby. I was up so high this past week and now... (I'm making that cartoon noise that sounds like something falling from a really high point and then crashing) BOOM! Down. Tomorrow, or today rather, will be good. It sucks though, because I can't stop thinking where I was and what I was doing this time last year. Cole was there! We were at Adobe's for Cinco de Mayo. OOOOh Cole, I miss you so very much!