its my fault. he's gone. its my fault. i am young, i am naive, i make mistakes. i cant be forgiven for them. its over. i have nothing left to live for. he was the air in my lungs, its gone. its my fault. i cant go on without him. i've lost everything. my life, my love, my job, my house, my car, my family. all of it, gone. gone because i made a mistake. i made a mistake! i am human, we make mistakes. i have to learn, i am trying. i cant go on without him. it's over, there is no more. i am single, i am finally free, and i dont want to be. i love him, but its over. time for me to start new. its over. its over. its all over. there is no more god dammit, its over.
>sobbing uncontrollably<
>sobbing uncontrollably<
There's nothing you can't be forgiven for... it can take a long time to realize it, but it's true. :hugs:
Things will work out in the end, hun. Right now, you need to work things out for yourself. You've got people to talk to, people who care, and we're here for you when you need us. :: hugs :: Everything works out, kiddo, remember that. We've all had our shares of experiences like this. Just remember to use us when you need to.