where? where do i begin? where has it gone? where is it? 'where'? is the question i pose. it seems a struggle to put a smile on to say hello. dreading receiving phone calls or wincing when making them. its not right. where did we go to make it like this? that spark is gone. the fire still burns deep, deep within my soul; lava in the pit of my entirety. the flame light is low. where has it gone? have we forgotten about ourselves? are we that selfless to give ourselves to outside forces? where has the laughter gone? its been replaced with slamming doors and awkward silences. time spent cuddling seems to always be time spent on the computer or playing games, or just not time spent. you are my soul, my love, you are my better half, you are a mentor and a friend to me. you have handed me a world i could have never imagined. i believe we are divided into good and evil. i think the evil dont know they are evil, but the good know they are good. they know they are good and they try to emanate that light onto the evil. i am evil. you are good. you are trying to give me a life. a real life, but i wont break down my barrier to let you in. i am stubborn. i have my reasons. i am willing to give myself to you with exception. i have my reasons and my beliefs, and if i respect yours would you please respect mine? i see it through your eyes, but through my own first. you cant see through my eyes. you cant feel how i feel. you dont want to. i long to look at life through your eyes. i long for the role of parent. meet me.
meet me and take me.
meet me and take me.