I keep having bad dreams. This one was really really bad and I can't get ahold of my boyfriend so it's making it worse!! He's at lunch right now so I'm really freakin cuz he's not responding. My dream was about him... And him fuckin this girl I know because they decided to do coke together. He tried to justify it by letting me fuck her man. I wish he would call me! I know it was just a dream but it was so vivid and real. I'm really into dream interpretation, and I don't have a clue what that means!
It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.
As you likely know, dream interpretation often reveals the exact opposite of the content of the dream. You may have dreamed this because you ARE secure with your boy. Here's hopin'...
Wow. Thanks for the response! I have nightmares probably 3-5 times a week and I remember every detail of all of my dreams, good or bad. I got ahold of him, he called right when I was done blogging.