Greetings everyone!
I have to say that all the sets I've seen today in member review have amazed me, they are all fantastic! Especially Keifer and Maiwan in member review, their sets are super cool, I also love Zoli's latest set too that just recently went live, it's just fantastic! I have added them to my favourites
So I got called back for a second interview today, it went pretty well I think I'm going to go for training, except the job doesn't really seem to be me... I'm going to go anyway though and keep looking for something else. Better than nothing right!
So my boyfriend is learning how to tattoo and he tattood my foot yesterday. It's just a paw print at the bottom of my foot, he did a pretty good job, however because he was only learning had to go over the same spots over and over again because they just didn't seem to work sometimes. Damn, getting a foot tattood is sore! Been told that before but always have been like pfft nah it'll be alright. So what I learnt yesterday was that if someone is practicing tattooing, don't let them near your foot... Leave that to someone who knows what they're doing...
I've also been sick for the last two days. Which sucks, may have something to do with swimming at the beach in the middle of winter... Oh well, life goes on!
I have to say that all the sets I've seen today in member review have amazed me, they are all fantastic! Especially Keifer and Maiwan in member review, their sets are super cool, I also love Zoli's latest set too that just recently went live, it's just fantastic! I have added them to my favourites
So I got called back for a second interview today, it went pretty well I think I'm going to go for training, except the job doesn't really seem to be me... I'm going to go anyway though and keep looking for something else. Better than nothing right!
So my boyfriend is learning how to tattoo and he tattood my foot yesterday. It's just a paw print at the bottom of my foot, he did a pretty good job, however because he was only learning had to go over the same spots over and over again because they just didn't seem to work sometimes. Damn, getting a foot tattood is sore! Been told that before but always have been like pfft nah it'll be alright. So what I learnt yesterday was that if someone is practicing tattooing, don't let them near your foot... Leave that to someone who knows what they're doing...
I've also been sick for the last two days. Which sucks, may have something to do with swimming at the beach in the middle of winter... Oh well, life goes on!
Pizza feet smell better than dog poop feet.
very sexy!!!!!!!!!!