So almost my whole day has gone and I haven't done any work or anything particularly productive!
I went shopping and spent heaps of money. Way too much money. I got heaps of cool stuff though.
After shopping I had to drop some books off at the library and as I was driving there I felt something on my back and then onto my arm, I knew straight away that it was a spider (for those of you that haven't read my profile, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of spiders... like over the top go off my nut ridiculously terrified). I pulled over like a maniac without looking into a bus stop and jumped out the car and completely freaked out. I saw the spider in the car and tried to get it out, jumping around like a lunatic. The spider disappeared to my disappointment and when I looked up there were all these people walking on the footpath staring at me and a bus tooted at me cos I was in the bus stop. I knew I should get back in and move my car but I stalled for awhie because I didn't want to get back in. I then got the courage and drove the the nearest car park which wasn't too far, but miles away from the library so it took me ages to walk there and back, and I didn't put my jacket on either because I was scared the spider might be in there, it was like 4 degrees and I heard a couple of people on my way back to my car say "damn she must be freezing". In the end I checked my car for awhile, decided to take my chances and drove home, totally conscious the whole way of where it might be.
I'm such a WUSS.
Well that was a long rambling story wasn't it...
Tonight I am helping to train freshmeat at roller derby and hopefully when I get home I'll have enough energy to do some drawing or something else equally productive.
I went shopping and spent heaps of money. Way too much money. I got heaps of cool stuff though.
After shopping I had to drop some books off at the library and as I was driving there I felt something on my back and then onto my arm, I knew straight away that it was a spider (for those of you that haven't read my profile, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of spiders... like over the top go off my nut ridiculously terrified). I pulled over like a maniac without looking into a bus stop and jumped out the car and completely freaked out. I saw the spider in the car and tried to get it out, jumping around like a lunatic. The spider disappeared to my disappointment and when I looked up there were all these people walking on the footpath staring at me and a bus tooted at me cos I was in the bus stop. I knew I should get back in and move my car but I stalled for awhie because I didn't want to get back in. I then got the courage and drove the the nearest car park which wasn't too far, but miles away from the library so it took me ages to walk there and back, and I didn't put my jacket on either because I was scared the spider might be in there, it was like 4 degrees and I heard a couple of people on my way back to my car say "damn she must be freezing". In the end I checked my car for awhile, decided to take my chances and drove home, totally conscious the whole way of where it might be.
I'm such a WUSS.
Well that was a long rambling story wasn't it...
Tonight I am helping to train freshmeat at roller derby and hopefully when I get home I'll have enough energy to do some drawing or something else equally productive.

I'm glad I'm not alone when it comes to spiders