Last night my daughter starts with a bump on her face like a bug bite and then breaks out to a full blown rash
Like in that picture but hers were a darker red and actually worse. I panic not knowing that happened to her I rush her to the ER. By the time I get her in triage she starts calming down, by the time the doctor comes in it's barely noticeable. He says it's an allergic reaction and proceeds to ask about her being a premature twin ( she was born at 26 weeks). We leave. I take her to daycare with the assumption she's fine. No. I managed to fall asleep for two hours before school calls me telling me the rash is back.
I pick her up, and take her to the doctors. Come to find out it's Hives, not from an allergy but her immune system is in overdrive and that's just how her body is dealing with it.
I managed to talk to gigabrain tonight, it was via instant message and email but he really came through last night when I told him about Casey and the hospital. He gave me a much needed distraction and a break from a lot of stress I had going on. 13 days.
Work is going alright. I talked with Jason the owner, not about the instance we had a week ago but I'm under taking a project to help Annie the Front Desk Manager, and he seemed impressed with my ideas. Ironically enough my recent traveling back and forth to Boston helped me with a section of website. I'm going to be proud when it all comes together.
It didn't hurt that I told him about a group I'd like to book that would bring a good amount of money to his property. There's a position here that opened up and for a brief moment I thought about tossing my name into the ring for it, but I realized I need to work on my weaknesses before I do. I'll still always be looking to better myself.