Good morning!
Me and Joanna had fun last night. She goes to this college I might transfer to for a semester to see if I like it. Bad news though, although they offer dual majors she claims the acting program gets snobby about students who don't focus on that alone and most likely won't let me do creative writing as well. So I decided for now I'll dual major in creative writing and psychology since that is what my associates will be in, and admittingly I'm very good at it. I just didn't want to be a part of those psychologists who really end up doing more harm then good and all about money rather then whether their patient is stable, etc. Then I thought to myself, I can't change the world I ought to try making a dent. If I'm happy living less luxuriously and concentrate on patients and don't try to cram them into appointments like herding sheep, maybe I don't need to be the typical psychologist people detest because they feel they don't listen or that if they called on a suicidal rampage I would get back on that ASAP. I know some psychs who like to call too late, but it's okay because there are so many people trying to make an appointment they can easily fill their space. I couldn't do that to someone I don't have it in me to ignore that.
At least I got to chill with a lovely lady over tea. She's in creative writing and has published a bunch. Besides my articles I wrote, I'm shy to enter my anthologies worth of poems and short stories.
I was accepted to a criminal justice school, I know people there who value my opinion and really would like me to enter the criminal psychology magnet. I am really against being a cop, but it's not exactly like being a traffic cop. I do have it in me to look at the photo evidence and cadavers and not get a weak stomach. I'm pretty damn desensitized to it and analytical when looking at it, but still being a cop would make me so uncomfortable. Enough so that I don't know if I had ought to. Plus I love to smoke weed. Not as much as I want a job maybe, but I do love it enough to choose over a job that I might detest.
I don't know why I feel this way today
The sky is blue the table is laid
The trees are heavy with yellow fruit
And in their shade children happily play
The pears have fallen to the ground
A child places one in my hand
The sun is warm upon my face
And I dream of a burning land
Mother of famine take this pear
Upon an arrow through the rings of time
This small fruit this golden prayer
May it pass from this hand to thine
All the mothers will dream of thee
All the mothers bless thy empty hand
All the mothers will grieve for thee
All the sorrow a mother can stand
who wrote that poem?