uneventful rainy night .. all i did was buy this

Bitches, bitches. Checkin out my britches..
i can't ever be in a mall too long or i start to see scenes from dawn of the dead in my head.
Zombies lol.
tomorrow i think i need to get this drawn out for me

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone
i dunno why i threw that up lol .. ive just been thinkin a lot about classy beauty and what i think it means .. hm

Its kind of hard to be a prisoner of circumstance
Everything I endured
was all part of the plan
Mental mind state screaming dont fuck with my mans
I sometime drift into my own foreign lands......
It seems like only yesterday, I was being sent to detention
School feeling like its some type of intervention
Failing to mention, falsified lies compelled to my convictions
Only difference then was Good time was suspension.......
You got people whose situation is real
Facing life long sentences, and cant afford appeals
On the Street you pushed them pills
State attorney's offering nothin but deals
Lawyer skipped out on ya
cause you couldnt foot the bill
Shit is ill....
Were in a monopoly, and we going straight to jail
Would run for it, but we cant forfeit the 10 stack bail
It is what it is, show me my cell

If I had these now, I'd swallow all the pills in one glump. I wish there was an anti-anger pill.
My aunts too high to remember anything, so of course she blames everyone else. I'm gona fuckin kill her ass, she reminds me of how much we've eliminated natural selection. I simply don't understand why some people would rather be in denial then fix it. It's another depressing ass day. I'm so fuckin sick of bein such a ghetto hood rat bitch, I need to break out.
Talk is cheap mutha fuckaz .. seriously

Everyday I have the blues .. ha
.. It's so MissKnox

Bitches, bitches. Checkin out my britches..
i can't ever be in a mall too long or i start to see scenes from dawn of the dead in my head.
Zombies lol.
tomorrow i think i need to get this drawn out for me

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone
i dunno why i threw that up lol .. ive just been thinkin a lot about classy beauty and what i think it means .. hm

Its kind of hard to be a prisoner of circumstance
Everything I endured
was all part of the plan
Mental mind state screaming dont fuck with my mans
I sometime drift into my own foreign lands......
It seems like only yesterday, I was being sent to detention
School feeling like its some type of intervention
Failing to mention, falsified lies compelled to my convictions
Only difference then was Good time was suspension.......
You got people whose situation is real
Facing life long sentences, and cant afford appeals
On the Street you pushed them pills
State attorney's offering nothin but deals
Lawyer skipped out on ya
cause you couldnt foot the bill
Shit is ill....
Were in a monopoly, and we going straight to jail
Would run for it, but we cant forfeit the 10 stack bail
It is what it is, show me my cell

If I had these now, I'd swallow all the pills in one glump. I wish there was an anti-anger pill.
My aunts too high to remember anything, so of course she blames everyone else. I'm gona fuckin kill her ass, she reminds me of how much we've eliminated natural selection. I simply don't understand why some people would rather be in denial then fix it. It's another depressing ass day. I'm so fuckin sick of bein such a ghetto hood rat bitch, I need to break out.
Talk is cheap mutha fuckaz .. seriously

Everyday I have the blues .. ha
.. It's so MissKnox

1) Being a "hood rat bitch" is cool in my book and 2) I completely agree that we've negated natural selection, at least in the so-called "first world" countries. the birth rate is too high and the death rate is too low, the world's going to shrug it's shoulders soon and shake us off!
haha, i watched dawn of the dead last night.. walking through a shopping centre will never be the same again!!