Nope .. We don't give a fuck about your drama .. Haha she's a cutie .. I had fun for the first time in a while last night. I was surrounded by gay men, and it was very cool. Not only do I not got to think about them too much, but they can fuckin dance! I don't know any others who can keep up with my energy when I get to it!

Plus they were really nice. I'm gettin told i look like audrey hepburn or winona ryder, i wouldn't be as cocky as to think so alone haha but that was nice.

Vodka was being poured in my glass every 10 minutes. I made a shit ton of friends. Mostly because I can be shy, but bit inhibited! I was dancing like no one was watching and I got invited to brunch today with my girl Steph. She's always beautiful and chic, no surprises there

Some guy gave me an umbrella when I was trooping over there! I know it's silly, but I get so happy when people in the city do things like that, for no other reason then he was a nice fella and then left me to run along. You know I'll pray for him

It's rainy still so I think brunch is out of the question. I got rained on enough last night, plus im too short legged to avoid puddles. My friends pointed out I was wet when I got there. No kidding, lol.
I miss my mom today.

She didn't have the time to explain that my boobs would get like that

bitch .. lmao
I got to post up a pic when she didn't have to dye her hair. Photographer/model/musician life maybe

I really am happy hermitting with one other person who's as grumpy as me. This is my butt pirate friend.
And when friends are miserable around me it gets me to want to make them smile. So I did this.
I've been being a better friend lately haha. Score, cuz I'm actually real nice hahahaha.
That last sentence makes me laugh.

This is always good on a lazy day when my stomach hurts like this
