I have recently become a myspace junky! Go check out my profile there lots of new pictures that I don't want to resize for my sg profile! Heres the link! go add me! aaarrr

That's cool that the date went well...If he's ever seen this sight I'm sure he'll be hangin' around for a looong time..lol..Ahh, young love, makes me wish I was ten years younger.. Hey, did I just use a quote from "No Retreat, No Surrender"? Why, yes..I did. Am I some sort of a geek..why yes, I am. And yeah, the 50's time period rocks. Well, the 60's too....I assume...seeing as how I wasn't alive then, but I do dig that style. I'm a sucker for the music and movies..like Dion, etc. And I like movies based in those times, like, "Grease", "The Wanderers", "Dueces Wild", "The Book Of LOve"..etc., etc....adios!
I've got emmylou harris playing in the back grown, today is a good day. my son sleep in a little so I got som much need sleep! I have a lot of things to post on ebay, all you girlys should check out my stuff click on my website! I have another date on friday this time hes treating me to a night in seattle I can't wait! this guy is so freakin cute! I really hope it works out! If you ever get bored check me out at myspace!!!!!! I have been posting pictures there because it is a pain in the ass to resize them for sg!