Only one day tell my date. We have been talking for like three hours every night, and he already has the second date planed. I think thats cute because we haven't even got the first date out of the way. I have been told that he is a great catch and a gentelman. I hope thats all true. I am so looking forward to dateing I don't want to jump in to a relationship right now. Were both busy pepole so so just going out on the weekwnd will e great. And other news I think my houseing complex is ran by comunists!
I had to sign a new lease with new rules. One of the rules is that I can't have guessed on the property for more then 40 hours a week. And once a year I'm allowed a on week guess with a permission in advanced. Dose that soud crazy to any on else.
But I will just have to deal with it rents dirt cheap! I will keep you posted on how the date gose!

Good luck on your date!

What time the "Date" Start ????Maybe he's taking you to a movie