I miss my freedom, I'm tierd of being bound by walls and car doors. I cant wait tell I can be back on the road agin. I don't think I will ever get sed to liveing this way it has been almost a year and I still fill like I'm being tortured. I guess I need to stop being a baby and just live my live. I guess there are some good things to domestic live. I get to watch my son grow up, I don;t have to dumpster dive, Oh and the list gose on. I have to just keep telling my self that I'm doing it for my son and he needs me. But I'm so lonley because my friends are still traveling they visit my on there rounds but still. And the pepole around me just don't get me. Its nice to find a place like sg I new to the site but I love the unity. And I'm sure I will make many friends here and hopefull some local peaple whitch would be great because I'm new to my area and don't know any one. wow it fills go to get that of my chest.~*love michal*~
i have also had to live in a way unfamiliar to me for about the last year or so. i've been pretty bummed, but i keep telling myself it'll get better.....it has to. anyway, at least you have your son to keep you going. welcome to the site.