all I hear dully in my ears. I can feel the adreniline tearing through my veins, which I associate with 100 horse shot of nitrous to an engine. I try swallowing in a last ditch effort to get my heart out of my throat, but it doesnt work. I turn my head to peer at my father but everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Breath in...breath out.....breath in ....breath out, is what I keep telling myself, just breath. I look down at my right hand, and realize that my thumb is hovering over the red button. In a just a short time, I will have to engage that red button, and all will be over. Can I do this? Do I want to do this? Are some questions that are running through my mind at the moment. I swallow again and say Fuck it, this is what you have been waiting for. I glance down at my thumb while it pushes and holds the red button. heart rate increases. I look up and see the first of three ambers fall down the tree. Blink......I push my right foot to the floor, and release the brake pedal with my left. I hear the pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop of the engine hitting the rev limiter, and Lucifers excitment puts me at ease. Blink.......blink. I lean back and let my thumb slide off of the red button. Lucifer leaps out of the hole and I cant see anything, due to the violent launch. Eventhough, I cant see the tach, I miraculously hit my first shift point. As I go into second gear the ride smooths out and life becomes normal again. I go into third and realize that I have no steering. Okay, this sucks.....but I have had worse things happen to me, nevermind the fac tthat I am going 120+ and not to mention running out of road. I am not looking forward to the trip into the kitty litter. FUCK THIS SHIT!, I say aloud to myself. I get out of the throttle and reach over to shut down. As Lucifer is slowing down, I figure out that the bearing came loose and all I have to do is push the steering wheel and column back in. I try it, and shit it worked! I do a couple of side to side tests and figure it works well enough to get me to get back to the pit area. As I am driving back to the pit area, I realize that my heart is now back where it belongs, but the shot of adrenline was bumped up to about 200 horse.
P.S. The red button was my transbrake, which to the best of my knowledge, locks up the transmission by engaging first and reverse. That holds the car in place, so you can release the brakes and go full throttle, with out the car moving. The "popping" sound is the engine going up on a rev limiter, so it doesn't red line, or go to high. Coming out of the hole at higher rpms, means a much harder launch and usually results in a faster time and makes the car happy.
P.S. The red button was my transbrake, which to the best of my knowledge, locks up the transmission by engaging first and reverse. That holds the car in place, so you can release the brakes and go full throttle, with out the car moving. The "popping" sound is the engine going up on a rev limiter, so it doesn't red line, or go to high. Coming out of the hole at higher rpms, means a much harder launch and usually results in a faster time and makes the car happy.

Nice! I miss racing....even if it was only on the street. I've never launched from a tree before.