Well, another weekend is over.
I had an excellent time this weekend. I went to the zoo and saw some crazy animals, and some funny baby animals. Watched some movies and did some bullshitting with good friends. "Volunteered" at the drag strip today, where my father did some testing. Watching that car is always a treat, but I was having a hard time not being able to help him work on it.
I am after all a severe gear head, and one of the most frustrating things is for me to see a car in need of help and not being able to help it. The same goes for animals though. Anyway, back to what I was saying. After the track the employees had a little cook out and then I went for a bike ride with some friends. See I told you it was an excellent weekend.
Fuckin-A tomorrow is Monday!

I had an excellent time this weekend. I went to the zoo and saw some crazy animals, and some funny baby animals. Watched some movies and did some bullshitting with good friends. "Volunteered" at the drag strip today, where my father did some testing. Watching that car is always a treat, but I was having a hard time not being able to help him work on it.

Fuckin-A tomorrow is Monday!

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