Haha im such a doofus. I just been looking at all my summer photos. And gues what I did. Went out and bought short shorts! ITS THE MIDDLE OF WINTER! Haha i got them nice and cheap though
Ive been obsessing over clothes this week. Im going to buy some new boots from dotti next week. there these cool kinda cute but rough at the same time black old style boots. Im very excited!
I just got a package from my dad. Man hes so cute! Well hes not really cute but hes one of those guys that never show their feelings, so whenever he does something remotley nice i get realy excited about it
Im getting my hair cut soon. Yippe
The poor darling though. Shes got a borken wrist. She did it trying to do a box (Which is pretty impressive i might add). And aparntly she was up snow boarding the next week. Shes such a tough cookie. It doesnt allways work to her advantage but hey in times like that it definatley does.
Any way I must go because im at uni supose to be writing my human resources paper which ive put of again. Naughty naughty! X