I had the most fucked upest dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I set my alarm to get up at 6 this morning coz I was going to go for a run but when my alarm went of I couldnt get up coz I was scared it was real and the world was just seeming kinda dark and distant to me.
In my dream I went rumaging through his stuff and found his p pipe and then found a sucide girls blog from him. He wrote about sleeping with hookers and doing p!. Then I realised he had died of a heart attack and I was sorting through his stuff.
It was so fuked up. I wasnt upset it was just like so weird.
Luckily my flat mate came into my room to see if I was awake or else I wouldnt have goten up.
I got up and showered and shit and told her Id had a bad dream. She asked what it was about and I made something up. I get so embarrassed that i dream about people dying all the time!
Surely its not normal? Or is it just something wer not supose to talk about?
Dreams are just your every day thoughts and memories and its just a way for your brain to store and get rid of useless information.
Of course it doesnt mean he is going to die, it might just actually be a way of your brain saying you are scared to lose that person out of your life.
Sooo maybe your scared of this person going back to his p pipe, and your scared that you might lose him to that.
Death in a dream generally doesnt mean end of life. Maybe an end to a relationship, friendship, habbit etc. And the fact that you were scared and felt weird may just mean you dont want that to happen.
Hope your feeling better now babes
Thats made me feel soo0o0o much better