Pic-0-Day: I was bored last night so I took a couple new pictures...keep in mind it was 6 am!
***Okay, first things first! MUCH LOVE to kosomot for being such a caring, sweet friend! He goes out of his way to make me smile and make sure I'm feeling ok. If you don't know him yet go stop by and say hi. He's funny as shit and has the BEST pictures!
to you kos!
***Next, I must thank everyone for reading what I had to say on Sunday. It's hard for me to spill my guts and admit things about myself personally too. Ya'll (yes, I'm sutherin') have been the most caring and understanding friends (even if your not on my list). I don't have this much support in RL so this is really helping me alot. I'm glad I can now bore everyone to death with all my new developements..hahahha.
Anyways, the 5 pages of comments
I have to answer is proof I have the most awesome friends!
***The crap on the homefront is still...well..crap. "He" and I decided days ago that he would be moving out, but he's having problems with a place for the next few days. SOOO he's still here and it's driving me NUTZ! I'm keeping as far as I can from him though and I told him he can't sleep in my bed! We are through. We've talked about divorce for the past 5 years (been married 7 yrs), but I never had the courage to take the first step. I just felt like I was stuck. I think I finally hit a rock-bottom point. I'm soooo OVER being married. There are alot of reasons why it's over..I'm sure I'll slowly start to talk about them..so keep coming back and checking..lol.
***Enough of that crap! Okay, tonights plans: I am going to go out to Imperial tonight. My friends all work there and Nashville Pussy is playing sooo should be a good show. Atleast that's what I hear...I have never seen them before. I don't have to pay either b/c my friends love me
so that's a plus! Free beer also...I never pay for my beer when I'm out
1. What's your favorite color of eyes? I love my green eyes, but I'm partial to blue on a partner
2. Have you ever told 'God' that you would never drink again if you would just stop
? hahahah more than one time! NEVER NEVER eat Taco smell before atempting to drink alot of liqour
3. What celebrity would you match me up with? (I stole this question from Agent_De_Surreal..thanks Agent
4. Post a pic of something in a box:
P.S. The middle finger is for none of you guys! LOL I had 2 people comment on that today.
P.P.S. I am in the process of catching up and responding to everyones comments from my journal..please know that I am coming. I gatta run and do a few things, but I'll be back!

***Okay, first things first! MUCH LOVE to kosomot for being such a caring, sweet friend! He goes out of his way to make me smile and make sure I'm feeling ok. If you don't know him yet go stop by and say hi. He's funny as shit and has the BEST pictures!

***Next, I must thank everyone for reading what I had to say on Sunday. It's hard for me to spill my guts and admit things about myself personally too. Ya'll (yes, I'm sutherin') have been the most caring and understanding friends (even if your not on my list). I don't have this much support in RL so this is really helping me alot. I'm glad I can now bore everyone to death with all my new developements..hahahha.

***The crap on the homefront is still...well..crap. "He" and I decided days ago that he would be moving out, but he's having problems with a place for the next few days. SOOO he's still here and it's driving me NUTZ! I'm keeping as far as I can from him though and I told him he can't sleep in my bed! We are through. We've talked about divorce for the past 5 years (been married 7 yrs), but I never had the courage to take the first step. I just felt like I was stuck. I think I finally hit a rock-bottom point. I'm soooo OVER being married. There are alot of reasons why it's over..I'm sure I'll slowly start to talk about them..so keep coming back and checking..lol.
***Enough of that crap! Okay, tonights plans: I am going to go out to Imperial tonight. My friends all work there and Nashville Pussy is playing sooo should be a good show. Atleast that's what I hear...I have never seen them before. I don't have to pay either b/c my friends love me

1. What's your favorite color of eyes? I love my green eyes, but I'm partial to blue on a partner

2. Have you ever told 'God' that you would never drink again if you would just stop

3. What celebrity would you match me up with? (I stole this question from Agent_De_Surreal..thanks Agent

4. Post a pic of something in a box:
P.S. The middle finger is for none of you guys! LOL I had 2 people comment on that today.
P.P.S. I am in the process of catching up and responding to everyones comments from my journal..please know that I am coming. I gatta run and do a few things, but I'll be back!
dont comment on this journal entry...Im currently posting a new one! Thanks!
well i'm going to bed the new pics are awesome