Update April 11th: I just did the photoshoot with my brother in_flames girlfriend Star. She got accepted to SG last week, but doesn't have her profile up yet. I will let everyone know her name as soon as it's up. We went to a historical park where I grew up in Mandarin. We shot in old slave quarters, creepy, errie and dark. They are going to be sweet. It was a big rush since we were in public!
Picture of the day: I didn't have anything too interesting today for a picture so I offer up the back end of my car. Now you can spot me anywhere
I really need to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. I went from exercising almost 6 days a week a few months ago to almost no daily activity. I can't just eat what I want anymore especially now that I've gotten older. I can't seem to get back into the "mode" I had a few months ago. I know if I did I would be relieving alot of daily stress from my life. My gym membership ended a few months ago and I don't have the money to pay for a new one. Maybe I'll just have to start walking. Atleast it's free.
I am going to take some more pictures tomarrow morning with a friend from school. Our next assignment is 'interesting shadow', 'texture' or 'still life'. I have to turn in three finshed prints of my choice of those topics. In other school news--I'm slacking ass in my online class. It bores the hell out of me!
I can't wait for my summer classes to start b/c I'm taking a HTML class. I have been hooked on HTML since I first learned to make a website over a year ago. I taught myself everything. I practiced with a free account from angelfire, but my website quickly got big and at the time I couldn't afford to upgrade to a paid account. All of a sudden about 6 months ago my website was completely deleted in a crash. I was royally PISSED to say the least. I kept meaning to back up my files, but I never did so a year and a half of all my learning code and writing that website was gone. Angelfire could care less..it took me months to get a straight answer of what happened. Now I have my own domain, but I that first step of starting over just kills me. But atleast it comes in handy for images I use here. I can link to them without having to upload them into my folders.
I'm going to miss Blackgaurding he makes me laugh so much. He's going on a lil' road trip to get some sanity like the rest of us need I think.
I think I'm ganna order some new plugs/tunnels...I been eyeing some on Tribalectic for a while. They make kick ass custom jewlery you can't find anywhere else. They also have a cool community, but not as cool as this one! I also want to change the ball on the end of my vertical labret. I use to have a lil' tiny spike, but I started to like the look of the fat ball better. Piercings are just so fucking sexy..they highlight areas of the face, bringing attention to that specific part. If you have been contemplating one..I recommend it. Metal in your face is just HOT!
So your telling me this is getting long now..lol. When I first start writing I think to myself "I have nuthing to say today." then I end up with 20 paragraphs. I'm sorry, I guess I just hope that someone actually reads this and is a bit interested. I love all of you guys/girls. *hugs* and *kisses* too all!
1. Do you exercise a few days a week or on a daily basis ever? I use to everyday, but haven't lately. I need some motivation.
2. What do you consider your greatest accomplishent? Going back to school, making the presidents list and the deans list almost every semester. Why is this an accomplishment for me? I dropped out of school in the 10th grade. I HATED school with a passion. It was a big joke and I only went to socialize and fuck around all day.
3. Post a picture of you when you were a child. If you don't have one handy then post a pic that you really like of yourself.
My brother in_flames about 6 months old. I was 4 years old. Wasn't I just the cutest thing?..lol.
Reading: Love & Death "The Murder of Kurt Cobain"
Drinking: Yuengling
Listening: NOFX-August 8th
Picture of the day: I didn't have anything too interesting today for a picture so I offer up the back end of my car. Now you can spot me anywhere

1. Do you exercise a few days a week or on a daily basis ever? I use to everyday, but haven't lately. I need some motivation.
2. What do you consider your greatest accomplishent? Going back to school, making the presidents list and the deans list almost every semester. Why is this an accomplishment for me? I dropped out of school in the 10th grade. I HATED school with a passion. It was a big joke and I only went to socialize and fuck around all day.
3. Post a picture of you when you were a child. If you don't have one handy then post a pic that you really like of yourself.
My brother in_flames about 6 months old. I was 4 years old. Wasn't I just the cutest thing?..lol.

Reading: Love & Death "The Murder of Kurt Cobain"
Drinking: Yuengling
Listening: NOFX-August 8th

2. What do you consider your greatest accomplishent?
surviving this long
3. Post a picture of you when you were a child. If you don't have one handy then post a pic that you really like of yourself.
I dont have one
I recieved the poster and the record! thanks! they're great! The record is a different pressing than theone I have so it's neato to compare them.
again, thanks so much! they are soooo cool