Fuckin' computers anyway! I can't stay connected online long enough to do shit. I don't know whats wrong....I'm hoping to get DSL somehow some way by next week. I'm going to shoot myself if I have to deal with dial-up anymore. Well, enough ranting......
How the hell is the few people I've had the pleasure leaving notes with? Damn I wish I could talk with ya'll more. (thats my suthern' accent there heeheh) Hopefully soon though.
Soooo I have some disturbing news! My FOOD LION boy has gone to a new store at the beach!
I can't believe it.....who the hell am I ganna stalk now?!
I live to far to drive to his store.....boooo. The position must be filled soon! All applications should be submitted ASAP!
I'll be waiting........
Am I wasting all my time
Chasing innocence to find
A time in my life when I should have known better
Have I wasted all these years
Holding back all these tears
Behind a smiling face
Am I lying?
Cause I wanna do what's right
But i need to understand
Do I burn a bridge and call it a life lesson
As these thoughts come flooding in
Will the memories raise to high a price to pay
Ganna take a trip down memory lane
For the millionth time today
Looking forward to tomarrow
Still relying on yesterday!
H20-Memory Lane
How the hell is the few people I've had the pleasure leaving notes with? Damn I wish I could talk with ya'll more. (thats my suthern' accent there heeheh) Hopefully soon though.
Soooo I have some disturbing news! My FOOD LION boy has gone to a new store at the beach!

I'll be waiting........
Am I wasting all my time
Chasing innocence to find
A time in my life when I should have known better
Have I wasted all these years
Holding back all these tears
Behind a smiling face
Am I lying?
Cause I wanna do what's right
But i need to understand
Do I burn a bridge and call it a life lesson
As these thoughts come flooding in
Will the memories raise to high a price to pay
Ganna take a trip down memory lane
For the millionth time today
Looking forward to tomarrow
Still relying on yesterday!
H20-Memory Lane
passing by to say thnx

Yea I guess your right Why should I punish myself by getting rid of my car. Oh and my new dirt bike is parked next to my bed. Haha So its for sure safe. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day.
Talk at you soon