I'm going through such an odd time in my life right now. There are paths I could take, roads I could go down, and each one has its perks and let downs, but I need to do something before I self destruct. I'm not sure I know who I am anymore. I feel like i'm looking through the eyes of a shell. I'm so torn. The only good thing i'm looking forward to so far is the beginning of my sleeve. I have an appointment on the 29th to set bring in my ideas and put down the deposit. I'm really fucking excited about it, i've wanted this for so long. It truly is the beginning. I cant wait.
Maybe i'll just concentrate on that and let the rest fall into place.

What are you planning to get?
what are you going to get? Yeah life is like that sometimes. I find myself staring at many different paths I can take and having a hard time trying to decide which path to take. Torn between two choices. Everything always works out in the end.