i often get told i look about 17 years old. i'm actually 20. i think its because im just over 5', and im cute. i dont really want to be cute. i'd rather look dramatic than look cute. i definitely think my haircut adds to the dainty cuteness factor. im trying to call the salon right now to get it cut differently.
fuck cute, cute is for pussies.

Edit 10:00 AM: I just got ahold of my salon, i have an appointment tomorrow at 3:00, and im going fully equipped with as many pictures of Visha's haircut as i can get. I cant wait!
After awhile, the cuteness seems to lose its novelty. It would be great if some other (positive, of course
p.s. the squirrel is actually not a pet, or at least I dont like to think of him as one. He was a wounded orphan when we found him and we nursed him back to health under supervision for a couple of weeks. He lives outside now, but comes by everyday to visit and play with us. I dont like the fact that we took care of him like we did, though. He's overly friendly and I have a feeling it will get the best of him at some point. He's a good little guy.
p.s. for what it's worth, I for one, think you're gorgeous