Man Gene Coffey is giving me the HOTTEST piece on my right leg. 1/2 way done! but shit! looks like im packin! afraid machine gun toting special force units at penn station are gonna think its so real they'll attack me as i get on/off the train as i commute to/from work!
Also, everyone in NYC - besides Gene being amazing and being at the tattoo convention at roseland ballroom - LOIC and NOON are in from FRANCE for 3 weeks! These guys are the shit! with Gene, they're the 3 most talented tattoo amigos in NYC right now. Check them out!
Noon's Website
Gene on Facebook
ALSO NEXT FRIDAY thE 13th, me and my devoted inked homies will be doing the DAREDEVIL FRIDAY the 13th TATTOO FEST together. Come join us starting at 10am at Earth Matters across the street for breakfast. Get inked, then chill out, nap, do whatever and head to the NYC Tat Con right after to strut our stuff!!!!!!
Email me if you want to join!

Also, everyone in NYC - besides Gene being amazing and being at the tattoo convention at roseland ballroom - LOIC and NOON are in from FRANCE for 3 weeks! These guys are the shit! with Gene, they're the 3 most talented tattoo amigos in NYC right now. Check them out!
Noon's Website
Gene on Facebook
ALSO NEXT FRIDAY thE 13th, me and my devoted inked homies will be doing the DAREDEVIL FRIDAY the 13th TATTOO FEST together. Come join us starting at 10am at Earth Matters across the street for breakfast. Get inked, then chill out, nap, do whatever and head to the NYC Tat Con right after to strut our stuff!!!!!!
Email me if you want to join!

That's smokin'!